Away and back again.

My apologies for not blogging in such a long time. I was away, visiting my boyfriend, and I simply couldn't find the time to blog, let alone upload pictures here. Anyway, I'm going to try to make up for the time I've "lost", by showing some pictures from my trip. I had a lovely time, travelling, shopping and most of all, being with my boyfriend again. Here are some pictures from Berlin where we went for a few days. It's a great, very metropolitan city, with enormous amounts of things to do and see. The shopping is also fantastic, but unfortunately I had too little time for that.

At Brandenburger Tor, wearing my favourite bow.

Photograph taken from the Siegessäule (Angel) in the photo below.
Siegessäule. I actually regret going up there. Heights make me feel nausey. And especially this one, with its swirly stairs.

On the bus, looking through our LP deciding where to go next.

One of the main shopping streets, with the Gedächniskirche in the background.

In front of the Holocaust memorial. It's really a very impressive piece of art, but it annoys me a lot how disrespectful some people are, jumping from stone to stone, or running, yelling, completely ignorant of the memorial and its meaning. The information centre at the site is also very interesting.

One day we went out for couscous. Yummy.

Me at the Sony centre. At night it's beautiful with the neon lights and the nice cafés and restaurants.

Parts of the remains of the Berlin Wall.

At the Reichstag (parliament). I guess I was quite tired from a little sleep on the night before when we celebrated Passover, and it only ended very late. Very nice, however!

And the main synagogue of Berlin. I find it extremely beautiful - the golden roof and the ornaments.

I will be updating shortly again, with pictures from our trip to the zoo, tropical islands and random pictures.

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