White like snow.

A few days ago I decided to wear an all white outfit - to match the snow.


Dress; Traffic People, cardigan; H&M, gloves; Grandmother's, booties; Dinsko, hat; H&M.

On another note, I was given the Kreativ Blogger award by the ever so sweet Q's Daydream. Thanks so much!

Six things that make me happy.

  • Travelling, and discovering new places. I don't like the travel itself so much since I tend to be a bit afraid of flying, although train travelling is great ( However, I almost never get to do that as we have no trains around here). I really enjoy buying magazines and books to take with me, as well as making some nice food to take with me.

  • Watching films. I have quite a large film collection myself, and I can borrow movies from the library for free as well. I love sitting down with a cup of tea and watch films in the evenings.

  • Money. That might sound a bit shallow, but whenever I earn a lot of money, or manage to save a lot, it lifts my mood instantly, and the opposite brings me down.

  • My boyfriend. We don't meet very often as we live very far apart, so I suppose that makes each meeting a little more special.

  • Having a day completely off, with no obligations whatsoever. It feels like I only get one of those days once in a blue moon, but when I do, I love looking through old albums, old letters, old magazines, sorting through my closet... it really takes all day, but it's such a wonderful thing to do, which brings back so many nice memories.

  • Getting letters or packages in the post. There's nothing better than that.

The rules:

-List six things that make you happy.

-Pass the award on to 6 more kreativ bloggers.

-Link back to the person who gave you the award.

-Link to the people you are passing it on to and leave them a comment to let them know.

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