Jessica Simpson Booed for Forgetting Lyrics

Updated: March 16, 2009‎

AP Jessica Simpson
We at Bodog Beat used to feel bad for Jessica Simpson. But you know what? We're done. She gets paid a buttload of money for her mediocre talent and she just can't seem to pull it together. Now, she can't even remember the lyrics to her own songs and was subsequently booed at a recent concert, where she was opening for Rascal Flatts on Saturday night in Irvine, California. The OC Register reports, "Opener Jessica Simpson, on the other hand, was forgettable at best. Simpson's fame is far more reaching than her talent deserves. The 40-minute set lacked energy, and Simpson seemed uncomfortable moving on stage (a challenge, for sure, in those big heels).
The performance wasn't helped when Simpson screwed up the lyrics not once but twice during her set: her first mistake on 'Remember That' could have been forgiven, but the crowd booed when she messed up again." Source:

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