Chemical Hair Straightener

It has happened to thousands of men and women. Even Oprah Winfrey has experienced it. "It" is damaged, falling out hair and burned scalp that can result from using harsh chemical hair straighteners.

kids with kinky afro hair style

Mishaps involving hair straighteners occur far more often than most of us realize. For example, this web forum entry tells of one hair-raising experience:

"I relaxed my hair with (brand name) No Lye hair relaxer. A week or 2 after that my hair started to thin DRASTICALLY, and it has been falling out ever since. I can completely see my scalp, and its terrifying me."

The Food and Drug Administration says hair relaxers are among the products that generate the most consumer complaints. The FDA's Office of Cosmetics and Colors has received reports detailing hair damage and discoloration, scalp irritation, and serious burns that needed emergency medical treatment.

Some victims have, as a result, sworn off using relaxers, opting to accept their curls and wear them "au natural". Others are sticking to their ceramic flat irons for daily styling. But most women (and many men) would still prefer a permanent or semi-permanent solution that gives them the smooth, healthy hair of their dreams.

New Hair Straightener is a "Caribbean Dream" Come True!

straight afro hair in short hair style

People wanting to tame or straighten their curly, frizzy or kinky hair now have a new alternative - one that offers a kinder, gentler solution to re-shape their hair in desired hair pattern.

Caribbean Dream Relaxer is a retexturizing system among best hair relaxers or chemical hair straighteners that works without the harsh chemical ingredients found in other products such as ammonium thioglycolate, sodium hydroxide, guanidine hydroxide, and formaldehyde.

Caribbean Dream Relaxer is a Cysteamine Hydrochloride based hair straightening solution that uses lanolin protein, a natural moisturizer that leaves hair shiny and soft after treatment. This new formula can be used for "Afro-Texture" and makes it an ideal relaxer for black afro American or Caribbean hair type.

Caribbean Dream Relaxer is only available in certain certified salons and it is for professional use only, so ask your stylist if he carries the product. A CDR Certified stylist can apply Caribbean Dream in different ways to achieve various looks:

  • a soft, romantic wave
  • straight and shinny locks
  • a simple taming of frizzes for easier everyday styling

What You Need To Know

long blonde hair chemically straightened with CDR short black hair style straight short blonde straight hair styled in bob

If you're thinking about trying Caribbean Dream Relaxer, here are the basics you need to know:
  • Treatment time: 1 to 3 hours.
  • Lasts: 3 to 6 months (compared to 6 to 8 weeks for some relaxers) and can be touched up.
  • Average costs: Short hair: $150. Shoulder length: $250. Long: $400+.
  • Key difference: Caribbean Dream Relaxer is a long-lasting retexturizing service with a gentle formula that can be used to achieve various looks on same hair.

(be sure to choose an experienced, professional and CDR certified stylist at a reputable salon because even the gentlest process can damage hair and scalp if it isn't done correctly.)

 Your stylist may even thank you for telling her about Caribbean Dream because the formula emits no fumes that could make either of you sick. After all, relaxing your hair should be a relaxing experience - one that doesn't require a gas mask or first aid!

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