I love vintage and vintage-inspired jewellery. It's just so pretty with all the details and the novelty it possesses. And what could be better than just that, with a French touch to it? Perfection for a francophile like myself. Say hello to Les Jumelles Boutique, which offers just that.
Les Jumelles was launched earlier this year by two sisters (twins! Which is what the word "jumelles" means - now I know another French word) from Barcelona, Spain and they're already doing very well with their designs! All of the Jewellery is a mix between new parts and recycled vintage beads, charms and pendants and it's all so incredibly cute.
The girls behind the designs have been so kind to let me have a giveaway here on my blog where one of you will have a chance at winning a jewellery of your choice, so head over to their shop, find the jewellery you like the most and post it in the comment. The winner will be chosen at the end of the week - you have until Sunday at midnight. Oh, and if you don't have a blog, leave your e-mail address.
Good luck everyone!