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  • 840quadra
    Nov 28, 06:51 PM
    Adds universal to the list of Companies I do not buy from..


    They are already on that list!

    GTH Universal! I bought my iPod, Every song on it, and will continue to do so. Stop Extorting the public, and possibly you may actually have some fans, or people that want to deal with your crappy company!

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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 09:00 AM
    You really need to get a dumb phone............oh wait.....the NSA will still be able to log every conversation, text and yes your location..........

    Either get rid of your phone or quit being such a whiner

    Just to be clear - you think someone who wants to question what is and what is not being tracked is a whiner?

    Did I read you correctly. Nice name calling.

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  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 01:26 PM
    No it's not. It's basically what Mitt Romney put in place in Massachusetts. And he's a (gasp!) Republican!

    And.... Having used German healthcare which can be supplemented with private insurance, I'll take it. My needed emergency room visit lasted a whopping 45 min because people could afford to go to a doctor in the morning and everyone was covered.

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  • enda1
    Jul 27, 01:37 PM
    How long do you people think it will be before merom is put in the macbook?
    Really want one befor i go back to college but it looks lokie i might have to splurge for an MBP instead.

    Poor me....

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  • WildCowboy
    Sep 18, 11:03 PM
    It would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. I've still got another couple of revisions before I'm ready to buy, so I'll be sitting this one out.

    My gut feeling is that there won't be any new hardware at Photokina, but a later release of the MeromBooks in time for Christmas is certainly possible.

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  • jp102235
    Apr 25, 03:06 PM
    I could have sworn that the fed govt is barred from spying on us, but private citizens can do this all day long.

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  • edenwaith
    Jul 14, 04:30 PM
    I'm not concerned so much if this rumor is true or not, but I've never fully understood the need for more than one optical drives for most of the time. At work I've occasionally needed more than one optical drive to create back ups of software CDs, but that's about it. At home, however, the need just isn't there. The retarted Dell we have at home has two optical drives because Dell was too cheap to put in a single combo DVD-ROM/CD-RW. Instead they put in a CD-RW and a CD-ROM (it was SUPPOSED to have come with a DVD-ROM, but they didn't put it in). Times like that are just dumb.

    Personally, I'd opt for more hard drive space. There was one PM model that supported up to four internal hard drives, I believe.

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  • Bacong
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    I am shocked that anyone finds this as a positive.

    So you all want a drop from 1.86/2.13 to 1.4GHz CPUs in your 13" MBA? That is a 30% drop.

    Then you want another drop of approaching 50% in graphics performance? Remember these IGPs clock in much lower than the STD voltage SB used in 13" MBP.

    I find this completely backwards from Apple's current position on both CPU and graphics, and I don't think anyone would end up with a faster or better 13" MBA than the current generation. Apple would certainly have to bring back the backlit keyboard and introduce Thunderbolt to sucker anyone into buying such inferior junk! I would recommend people buy the current generation on clearance rather than lose performance everywhere like this. If this is the chip Apple uses in the 13" MBA, prepare for a big drop in capabilities!

    I am still in shock anyone finds this a positive? Have you all read the clock speed? The facts about the chip and IGP in ultra low voltage variants?

    agreed completely.

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 01:05 PM
    Good for you ;)

    Used to be like that for me but on the projects I work on everybody's gone crazy over DSLRs so I'm stuck with converting.

    I know. I'm lucky that I don't have to deal with that. That's what I mean by different people, different workflows. If I had to work with the DSLR workflow, it would drive me crazy. Dealing with source files, converting, proxies, offline, online.

    One thing I have never had to deal with in FCP is having an offline/online workflow. It's saved me a lot of headaches I used to have to deal with in Avid. Not that Avid was bad, but capturing once is always easier than twice.

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  • balamw
    Apr 8, 06:26 AM
    I wonder if this has more to do with reward zone coupons and 18 month no interest financing.
    Have you ever seen an RZ coupon that didn't say "excludes Apple products" along with Bose and a number of other carveouts. Financing may be a different issue.


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  • wescravn
    Apr 10, 01:49 PM
    Hoping for some better multi-core support(although probably going to have to wait for Lion for the newer QuickTime engine) and a UI that isn't from the 90's:

    ^ Final Cut on Mac OS 9

    Final Cut on Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard:

    Only thing that's changed is the scroll bars.

    LOL, if you think final cut is from the 90's then Avid Media Composer is from the 50's. It's horrible GUI. I wouldn't learn it, if they paid me big bucks. Well I take that back, I would, but I would hate it. Avid Looks like a POS, the graphics designers at Avid have always been behind though. Look at Protools.

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  • zoran
    Oct 15, 12:45 PM
    HP is claiming to have their first Clovertown workstations available on the 15th, so only a month away. I bet we'll see the 8-core Mac Pro systems by the end of November.
    Why would Apple show their Clovertown workstations after HP and not simultaneusly with HP?

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  • M-Life
    Apr 7, 11:12 PM
    Doesn't really matter, Best Buy is going the way of Blockbuster and Borders anyway. They will be gone within a few years, once all their media turns digital.

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  • skunk
    Mar 3, 01:28 PM
    But, but, but we'll have nobody to argue with... :(

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  • LarryB08
    Apr 8, 08:24 AM
    Reminds me of a true story - went into one of those pre-made sandwich shops because I need to feed a horde unexpectedly, and quickly. I asked for all their stock of three different kinds of sandwich. The woman behind the counter said "but sir what will we sell to other people!".

    Bizarre way to run a business.

    Scenario 1: Store expects 1000 customers. Customer 15 walks in and buys all the store's stock. The remaining 985 customer walk in through the day and are told we have nothing to sell you. These 98.5% of the daily customers never return to the store in the future.

    Scenario 2: Store expects 1000 customers and rations stock to serve the needs of the greatest percentage of their daily customers as possible. The great majority of customers are happy and continue to patronize the store in the future.

    Scenario 2 above does not seem so bizarre to me.

    We are talking business here, business that needs to function over time and not just over one day. All I know is there are a lot of people here who are taking great pleasure trashing a store for their own personal reasons. But the store must serve their overall client base as best as possible and sometimes that may mean being unable to satisfy every specific request every day.

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  • littleman23408
    Dec 1, 04:41 PM
    Well i'm retarded. After all that yelling at the tv, I didn't realize there were two laps. :p. When I looked at the one person's post that gave me a little help, i thought "why is he talking about so many turns?"

    After realizing it was 2 laps, I easily beat it.

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  • NJRonbo
    Jun 15, 10:37 AM
    My RS store would not let me leave information.

    They are waiting till 1pm EST.

    Meanwhile, people are twittering their stores
    are issuing pin numbers to them.

    What gives?

    Man of man, was Radio Shack the worst outfit
    to do this through. Don't totally blame them for
    being handed this crap.

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  • Legion93
    Apr 6, 03:34 PM
    Perfect day for this news....

    I have a new 13" MBA sitting here at my desk unopened...just dropped off from FedEx today. I'm debating whether or not to just return it and wait for the refresh or be happy with what I got.

    I'm a very light user..web, email, iTunes, sync iPhone and iPad. Do I really need the Sandy Bridge power..probably not but I dont want to have the "old not so shiny ball" come June (as the rumors suggest).

    Any help from the MR community is greatly appreciated!

    Don't get your hopes up, as any rumour is just a speculation. Apple may or may not release any updated version of the MBA very soon, but it can all depend. If you really want power, you could sell your Air for a MBP, which came out only couple months ago.

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  • typecase
    Sep 19, 12:33 AM
    All I have to say is:
    "what the hell is taking them so frigging long?"

    Amen! :)

    Aug 25, 09:38 PM
    Apple support has been very average for me in Australia. I have 2 macbooks being repaired now, they both have multiple problems and have been at the repair place for over a week. I tried to get apple to just replace them but after being fowarded through several departments they told me no. When i have used dell support, I ring up and tell them what the problem is and someone comes to my house to fix the computer the next day. I thought apple was supposed to be better at support than dell?

    Apr 7, 11:05 PM
    The difference to the customer is zero. Unavailable for purchase either way.

    Wrong. Every iPad 2 that was being held back by best Buy could've been sold to someone who ordered at Apple's site online, or at an Apple Store... or perhaps some other retailer who knows better than to artificially restrict supply when there's already a supply issue in evidence.

    If this report has any truth to it, Apple should be ashamed to nick-pick over semantics.

    If this report has any truth to it, Apple should be applauded for taking action against a retailer that was hoarding stock.

    I was considering buying an iPad2 from Best Buy. Glad I didn't. And know i'm reminded not to consider them again in the future.

    Every day Apple stores get shipments of iPads....but they don't sell them when the arrive. They hold them for the line that forms the next morning.

    Seems odd to me. Like they are purposely making a spectacle in front of the store every morning.

    Actually, the point (which was made clear when they started doing this, but you apparently missed) was to avoid a day-long spectacle of people standing in line in front of the store all day in the hopes that a shipment would come in mid day... meanwhile preventing other people from buying other things at the store, and causing disruptions throughout the day in shopping malls for other vendors. If you had seen the 2+ months of lines in front of Apple Stores when the iPhone 4 came out, you'd probably understand better.

    Selling the stock (and selling out of it) in the morning and making that clear to people is different from saying "we don't have any" when in fact you do and just would rather not sell them.

    Apr 8, 01:07 AM
    To be fair - Apple themselves were doing the same thing - in the UK at least.

    I experienced, on a number of occasions, Apple Stores actually had stock in store available for reservation, but were forcing an entirely unnecessary, half an hour 'unboxing and setup' appointment.

    With only a few of these slots available - more often than not - the store would have plenty of iPad 2 stock available, but no appointments, so reservations were stopped and Apple Staff denying (and laughing in my face) that they had any remaining stock.

    Thomas Veil
    Apr 28, 05:46 AM
    I lost it a long time ago. Trump is an asshat that should just shut the **** up and go back to diddling eastern european models and building casinos (is that christian right compliant I wonder?).But of course today, instead of looking embarrassed and admitting he was wrong, he's "taking credit" for something. Not sure exactly what.

    Mar 31, 06:01 PM
    "We have no idea if it will even work on phones."

    Um, so rather than find out, let's just not release it so we never know. That's an awesome decision. Way to take a chance there Google.

    On the same note, I'm not sure if I can run the trail by my house in under 10 minutes, so I'm not even going to try.

    I bet they tried, but it didn't work well. They're just feigning ignorance. As they themselves said, they cut corners. I read this as they didn't optimize the software-- it's probably very processor and RAM intensive. Just speculation though.

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