call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper

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  • kainjow
    Sep 19, 11:35 AM
    As for me, they have 2 more weeks of my patience before I revert back to my PC days. I'm tired of getting made fun of by my PC Geek friends while I play on my outdated G4 PB.

    I'm beginning to believe my friends when they say that Apple pats their own backs for crap that PC makers created a year ago.
    If you want to switch back to a PC, no one's stopping you.

    But realize, using a PC vs a Mac isn't about the hardware - it's about the software. True, G4's suck and are slow, and should have been given the boot YEARS ago. But it's not Apple's fault for you sticking with it. You should have at LEAST upgraded to the MBP when it was initially launched. How is the Merom update going to be THAT much better than the current MBP?

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. call of duty 4 sniper mission.
  • call of duty 4 sniper mission.

  • janstett
    Sep 15, 07:57 AM
    I remember reading a BBC news article the other month about mRAM (or magnetic RAM) which has the same write speeds as RAM, but without its volatility. It doesn't loose it's data when the power is off. Ideal for fast HDDs they say.

    Yeah, I think they're calling them "Hybrid drives" where they will have some fast static RAM built into a hard drive and store the most frequently accessed part of the drive in cache on the static RAM.

    On an unrelated note, wouldnt it been cool to effectivly install a whole OS on RAM. That would be noticably quicker....

    You used to be able to do that with ramdisks, but getting the files onto the ramdisk took more time than just booting from the disk. Sometimes you can force the OS to keep itself in RAM when it's loaded from disk (so the OS won't start swapping itself out when it needs memory), there's a setting for this in Tweak XP.

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  • Call-of-duty-4-modern-warfare-

  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 10:06 AM
    ...that and a Airplane/Auto Magsafe power adapter. dont you think that would be nice. it's been to long without it! cmon apple. build it!

    On a (somewhat) unrelated subject... I must be flying on the wrong airlines, because I only think I've been on a plane with any kind of power outlet (AC or DC) once, and that was on one of the larger (trans-oceanic?) planes. Which sucks, because my current laptop usually doesn't have enough battery power to even last through a 2 hour flight...

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  • Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:43 PM
    Noob you think you know a lot, but you obviously don't. I work in the cell industry creating software for mobile phones. I have had EVERY major US carrier and as recently as the beginning of this year I've done testing of the big 4 (VZW, Sprint, Cingular, T-Mo) and I can tell you that the coverage differs greatly amongst them. Congrats on your great coverage with T-Mo. As someone who regularly travels in the Midwest, Toronot area, and San Jose, I can most assuredly tell you that T-Mo Coverage != Cingular coverage everywhere.

    Oh, and I doubt the coverage map for T-Mobile is in error in GA, FL, and other states when nearly the entire state is NOT COVERED on their own coverage map.


    Well, to be fair, your radio ROM/software can have some effect on your reception, and different companies release different radio software at different times, and that can have some effect.

    My 8125 has a t-mobile radio ROM, but I run it on cingular. There are a few wrinkles in that, but you are generally correct.

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. call of duty 4 sniper. call of
  • call of duty 4 sniper. call of

  • NickUK69
    Apr 11, 11:37 AM
    Also... with many people on 12 and 18 month contracts, mobile carriers will be wanting to keep customers by signing them to new contracts and in doing so, a new phone. There will be no new iPhone and people will have 'beaten up' 18 month old equipment which they will want to renew and there will be no iPhone, so Android could be onto a winner here!


    With all the Android phones coming out and manufacturers having no specific cycle, the iPhone is really out of date already!

    iPhone 1 - 2G
    iPhone 2 - adds 3G
    iPhone 3 - adds 3GS

    Therefore the above three phones are all 'old' regarding what was released around the same time.

    iPhone 4 - will be about 18 months old by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

    People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.

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  • tips in our Call of Duty 4

  • aarond12
    Sep 13, 06:50 PM
    Didn't you get the memo, Hyperthreading was a joke.

    Obviously, since Intel is no longer creating new processors with HT.

    By the way, previous poster, HT does not double the number of cores. Just the number of virtual cores. A Pentium 4 system with HT will run slower than a dual Pentium 4 system (with HT disabled) at the same clock speed.

    Dual-core means there are essentially two separate CPUs on a single die.

    Oh, and to the IT person who didn't know Clovertown is 64-bit... congratulations. You've shown everyone that you have an exceedingly small penis in having to argue that a $3000 Mac is slower than a $30,000 Windows DataCenter Edition PC system.


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  • Tags: cod 4,bb sniper 2 (v1.0)

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 04:26 PM
    <snipped...>I don't think you realize what you're asking for. A system that is capable of performing all possible tasks at once is just unrealistic. Nobody will ever equip a system like that, because no user will have those kinds of requirements.

    Even in the PC world, where more slots are common, you almost never find a system that has actually filled all those slots with devices.

    Amen. It makes me sick to see people crying foul.

    "I want 4 of every port/slot there is, in a case that is no more than a foot tall, plus 2 3Ghz processors, blu-ray, dual gpus, all for $1500! And if Apple doesn't give it to me, I will never buy anything from them ever!"

    Even though they will never even use them(all the ports/slots). Most people will fill the x16 and maybe an old school PCI slot. Thats about it.

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. Image: Wallpaper. Call of Duty
  • Image: Wallpaper. Call of Duty

  • depperl
    Aug 7, 04:30 PM
    if leopard is not enough here's some more new features: Leopard-Server (

    i think leopard-server is going to have some cool things for the enterprise-market :rolleyes:

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. Call of Duty 4; Call of Duty 4
  • Call of Duty 4; Call of Duty 4

  • technocoy
    Nov 29, 01:00 PM
    I can't get over the blind greed of these companies.

    I'm waiting on Apple to get "threatened" by the bastards one time too many and then Apple says "ok" then approaches all the artists and opens the store to them paying part of their production costs and then giving them 80 percent of the profit off every song sold. Let's see how long the record companies KEEP their artists after that.

    They better wake up to the new century before their artists do.

    With most music savvy artists able to produce an album for less than a few thousand bucks now, Apple could turn on the industry and just blow it out at any moment. the industry could fragment into producers and mastering studios that get only for the service of producing and then it goes up to iTunes where it's subjected to reviews by peers and by a DIGG type system to promote it.

    Browsing and sampling does a lot to increase ones musical library.. I found 80 percent of my new music by just searching and browsing on napster back in the day... I would find a new artist by chance and then go and by their CD. If apple would make their previews longer you would have the same type environment.

    I'm not against a company making billions, but those billions should be made from giving the people who put them there what they want.

    ugh. sorry, rant over.

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Quick

  • jljue
    Apr 27, 08:44 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now:

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

    Law makers apparently have forgotten that they enacted a law requiring location ID on cell phones for emergency purposes--another indication that we have too many laws. :confused:

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. Call of Duty 4 Sniper iPhone
  • Call of Duty 4 Sniper iPhone

  • rfahey
    Apr 8, 03:11 AM
    Wow. I bought mine at Best Buy on opening day and they sold out of them. Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?

    You only "think" they sold out. If this is what they were practicing all along they probably had like 3 weeks rations.

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  • Cod 4 Sniper Wallpaper | Cod 4

  • Koadoc
    Nov 29, 08:27 AM
    Just goes to show you how corrupt the music business really is!:mad:

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  • call of duty 4 modern warfare

  • jonnysods
    Mar 31, 02:43 PM
    Suckaz. What a mess.

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  • call of duty 4 sniper mission.

  • leekohler
    Mar 1, 10:23 AM
    Lee, you should already know my answer to that question. It's an emphatic "no." Nor do I support the gay rights movement.

    I don't tell others what to do, but that doesn't mean I think it's all right for them do everything they want to do. I'll share my opinions with others if they're willing to hear them. I don't want to control anyone, and I will not be a codependent caregiver. I refuse to protect others from negative consequences when they need to learn from them.

    But you ARE trying to control others Bill. It's quite obvious. There are no negative consequences inherent to being gay. I'm a 43 year old man, and quite happy. The only negative consequences I've suffered have been at the hands of people like you, who think you know how everyone should live and try to force your beliefs on us with laws. You absolutely want to control others, or at the very least, impose your punishments on us.

    My parents, especially my Mom, hated to see me do some foolish things when I was a boy. They let me walk the half mile to the steakhouse when they knew that I probably would have been too tired to walk back home. They let me stand outdoors in the winter when I tried to run away from home in the winter. The front porch was too icy for me to stand on, so I couldn't walk down the steps.

    Hmm...but did they make any laws against you doing any of those things?

    I believe that people with same-sex attractions are endangering themselves at least physically when they have sex with each other. So I'll post a link to some evidence for my opinion ( Notice, the document's author is a medical doctor.

    There are risks inherent in any sexual activity Bill, heterosexual or homosexual. I'm well aware of the risks of both. Apparently, you seem to feel that all gay men engage in sodomy, which is far from the truth. Also, many of these statistics are based on the results of promiscuous behavior. Gay people marrying would discourage promiscuity, which would most likely reduce those statistics. One would think you should be pro gay marriage rights in that case. But hey, we all know that's not what your real concern is. Your concern is to get everyone to conform to your rules.

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

  • iMrNiceGuy0023
    Jun 9, 01:21 AM
    I think this will be great for AT&T and Apple....Radio Shack is the closest store out of AT&T and Apple Store

    Radio Shack and Best Buy use the same AT&T POS system to upgrade and activate phones

    I got my 3G and 3GS from Best Buy.....but i'll go to Radio Shack for my iPhone 4

    Looks like AT&T and Apple are looking to do big numbers with this release

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. call of duty 4 sniper.
  • call of duty 4 sniper.

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 03:36 PM
    You know as well as I do that has to do with the signal, not whether it is Code division or time division. If you claim differently, show me reputable references.

    Uh, actually tower handoff has relatively little to do with signal... it's two totally different things.

    Want a reference? Is the IEEE reputable enough for you?

    Page 6: Why CDMA? Allows soft handoffs.

    Enuff said.

    Care to back up any of your assumptions with reputable references?

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  • call of duty 4 sniper rifles.

  • robotx21
    Sep 19, 12:51 PM
    I'm kinda glad they didn't release the macbook pro's today. All that means, if they are released next week, it will be more than just a minor update :-D Here's to hoping!

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. call of duty 4 sniper. call of
  • call of duty 4 sniper. call of

  • macfan881
    Nov 18, 09:58 PM
    one of my fav KB ads so far :D

    call of duty 4 sniper wallpaper. call of duty 4 sniper mission.
  • call of duty 4 sniper mission.

  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    Everyone is trying to get a piece of what Apple created - and not suffer the same fate that all those that tried to compete with the iPod faced.

    Without figuring out how to differentiate from what Apple is doing AND show the consumer how they can really USE the tablet, none of these players will do much more than get a small, very small, piece of the [Apple] pie.

    Those people that want the iPad to do what a computer does or what a smartphone does, are not looking at the iPad the way it was intended - as something new and different. Why should it have to do what a laptop does or how a computer or phone does it?

    I'm guessing that what Apple is really working on is a way to tie together all devices that isn't just a wired interface (think their data center).

    Jul 15, 08:12 AM
    A real mess? That's one fine looking machine. IMO

    Yeah, I wish I had the 4 grand to buy one. I guess that's one of the reasons I can't get too excited about these (rumored) new machines. No way in hell I'll be able to afford one. way in hell I'll be able to justify spending that much on a computer (Read: "I'd like to but I have a wife and I would never be able to convince her." BTW, how's life, ~Shard~? :D)

    Again, as millions of other MacRumors members have pointed out, a cheap Mac Pro would rock. But, alas... <Sigh>


    Jul 14, 02:43 PM
    Kind of a week video card isn't it? I dont know much about Vcards... but feels week. Perhaps its real nice though

    Aug 27, 07:07 PM

    Anyone knows if jointly with this rumor is the rumor of the upgrade of graphic cards on MacBook (not Pro) to Intel GMA 965 (I think is this the reference...)?


    Mar 22, 12:59 PM
    Yes, and RIM has a history of making excellent touch screen devices.


    And what bearing does that have on this? Yep, zip.

    Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 10:24 PM
    And you obvioulsy don't understand what a GPGPU API is for. What good is running code through an API whose purpose is to offload your CPU by using ... your CPU.

    See, that is exactly not the purpose of OpenCL. OpenCL can also use specialized DSPs, if someone writes a compiler for them. OpenCL is GPU-independent, which is a problem, if you want to optimize your OpenCL-code for a specific GPU.

    If you really need the power of a GPU you could use CUDA and/or STREAM (the standards in the past 4 years). Most computer science labs use CUDA. No one needs OpenCL at the moment, because the solutions which work are based on CUDA and/or STREAM, not OpenCL.

    This will change a bit in the next ten years, but the hardware-dependent languages CUDA/STREAM will never be replaced by OpenCL, at least not for high performance applications, which require direct GPU-access.

    OpenCL is like C, you can use on CPUs, GPUs and DSPs.

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