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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 8, 12:17 AM
    retail sucks dookey.. and Best Buy or Worst Buy can go out of business for all I care

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 29, 10:23 AM
    The name-calling is childish, too. In fact, you usually hear it from left-wingers.

    Here we go again. Broad generalizations. Go to the responses to blogs and articles on the internet and you'll see this isn't true.

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  • totoum
    Apr 10, 04:17 AM
    But later he gets called out from another speculating Apple is making a very significant change and distancing Final Cut from the real 'pro' users, dumbing it down, etc, and the guy who has seen it gets real quiet.. He is asked if he will update his editing studio's workflow to the new Final Cut, and he basically danced around the question, pleaded the 5th, and made it pretty clear that he is holding back some reservations about how the industry will adapt to the changes.

    Yep,saw that,as well as the "faster horse" quote meaning that there will be disapointed people.

    I think he refused to commit to switching to the new version because I'm betting on anything tape based being taken out,that seems like a very apple thing to do but as they mentioned later most huge production companies are not ready for that.

    Also probably means no blu-ray in sight and no update to dvd studio pro.

    I really do hope they switch to a halfway decent H.264 encoder though.

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  • The new Call of Duty Black Ops

  • afrowq
    Apr 10, 12:20 AM
    Yes, I agreed there are professionals, but not LOTS of professionals. You don't know, cause... you don't know them, and neither do I. So these "lots" outside of your field of view may or may not be looking to switch. You see the difference, yes?

    So you really think it's just a handful of people on Macrumors?

    Oh, and people I know.

    So, how many do you think? Less than 10? Less than 100? What is your definition of "a lot"? Also please note I never said it was any kind of majority of FCP users or anything like that. I never said it was an industry-wide pandemic, although you'd like to put those words into my mouth as well. You'd also like to paint my claim that "a lot of pros are leaving FCP" as "combative", even though it's not. It's just an observation. I don't know why you're taking it so personally.

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  • gorgeousninja
    Mar 22, 08:43 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    All hail the unicorn rider!

    It's great that you're such a fan of imitators and snake-oil products cos a lot of manufacturers are counting on the fact some people are so gullible.

    I know the strategy of throwing enough mud hoping some of it will stick, but you've called 'Fail' on Apple so often that it becomes just a jaded cliche...

    maybe next time you could be positive about an Apple product.

    Not only would the shock nearly kill us, it might put more people off buying it than the juvenile drama of proclaiming ' a world of hurt'.

    ps Oh and you do realize in your post that you've admitted to the app store concept as being an Apple product do you?
    That does contradict a lot of the usual haters, so you might want to confer with yourselves on how exactly Android was secretly ahead of Apple on that.

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  • iGary
    Aug 15, 11:39 AM
    I would have thought that the Final Cut Pro benchmark would have really blown away the G5 - not so much, right?

    Awesome on FileMaker and I can't wait to see how this stuff runs Adobe PS Natively.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 08:57 AM
    I want to see:

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  • notjustjay
    Apr 8, 12:13 AM
    I wouldn't be surprised. The quota explanation was given already, but they might also be holding back stock of the cheaper models in order to drive more sales of the higher end ones. "Oh, you wanted the 16 gig wifi model? Sorry, all sold out. But we do have this lovely 64 gig 3G version. If you really want the iPad 2, this is your big chance... it's only a little bit more..."

    That happened to me, almost, when I bought the original iPad from Best Buy here in Canada on our launch day last year. The guy almost smirked when he said, sorry, the 16 gig ones were all sold out, but they had plenty of the 64 gig models. Luckily I persisted and he managed to find one more 16 gig, the last one! How lucky was that! :rolleyes:

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  • Mikey7c8
    Mar 31, 08:49 PM
    When they go shopping and see a brand new Android phone running a better OS with more apps than they had before, they will simply buy it. Especially since there will continue to be two for one offers and lots of competition

    Seriously, what a crock of ****.

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  • Silentwave
    Aug 6, 10:18 AM
    If you look at the banner pictures from WWDC 2006 you can see that the PowerMac / Mac Pro still lookes the same ...

    Does this mean that the Mac Pro will look like the PowerMac or that there wont be any release of Mac Pro at the WWDC 2006 ... ?

    No, that just means that if you'd been looking at hthe other threads, you'd know that there is *nothing* new on the banner- they won't be spoiling any of the stevenote's surprises! Apple isn't dumb.

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  • janstett
    Sep 15, 07:48 AM
    The Today show is an embarrassment. The US major tv networks do not have any real morning news programs. How to trim your dog's ears and an inside look into American Idol contestants is NOT NEWS. It is an entertainment talk show.

    The network morning "news" shows have always been fluff. What's worse is that the so-called "hard news" shows are just as bad, and not just in the morning -- CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News all run mindless fluff instead of news. And don't get me started with MSNBC airing Eye-Puss in the Morning.

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  • Blaze3555
    Apr 10, 02:16 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Did any One catch the quote about the puck. For a split second I got exited because I thought it was Kevin Smith. I love his podcasts. Execp he talk about only using Avid because Fcp docent have a big enough time line. But Let's all go inside! Lol

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  • Call Of Duty: Black Ops

  • Danksi
    Aug 15, 12:58 PM

    However the FCP benchmark is disapointing, but I suppose that it may rise when the x1900 is installed and tested. Still, that photoshop test? I don't think ANYONE expected results that good from a non-UB program. At least I didn't...

    My main interest is in FCP the FCP results.

    On a fixed budget, does anyone know the advantage/disadvantage of going for the 2.0Ghz with 1900XT over 2.6Ghz with the std video card?

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 27, 08:43 AM
    And once again people give Apple a pass for something that is clearly an issue.

    You mean to tell me that Apple, a company that seems to release fairly solid software, "neglected" to test that when disabling an option called LOCATION SERVICES, that it actually disabled location checking properly? Are some of you really so Jobsian?

    Call a spade a spade. There's no possible chance this was a mistake. They got caught. They should not be given a pass over it. If a user opts to disable Location Services, they were working under the false impression that their location was no longer being tracked. Seems mighty shifty to me. Doesn't matter how much data might have been user-identifiable. This sounds like something Google would do, not Apple.

    Not really. Although location services does not delete the log when you turn it off, it does cease to record to it. I don't see what the problem with that is.

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops First

  • Eidorian
    Aug 26, 05:50 PM
    Anyone know of benchmarks comparing the core duo with the core 2 duo?

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  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 18, 07:16 AM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots.

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots.

    How many times did he say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots.

    The point is... he talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. On foreign policy, he's more of the same. On everything else, especially domestic spending, he's much much worse.

    He did say all those things - but none of those make him a military dove, since in his debates with McCain he did extensively paint Afghanistan as the "right war," or the place were America "should have been." How many times did he promise to "find and kill" Bin Laden? Even before the debates he was openly pushing Afghan and Pakistan escalation.

    According to the Tea Party, he's doing everything he can to appease Muslims, too. While they obviously are using that as an attack, his speeches in the middle east and Egypt after his election showed a marked difference in communication and downplayed American exceptionalism. Plus, so far he hasn't had a request from a terrorist leader to talk, if I'm not mistaken, so that's not really a fair comparison.
    (I can't good youtube links for his Turkey speech - the one with the "not a Christian nation remark)

    Obviously he's failed on a lot of campaign promises - especially on the front of reversing Bush domestic policies like the PATRIOT act - but I'd argue that people who saw Obama as the anti-war candidate were the ones who didn't pay attention. The last part about spending doesn't really connect to this issue.

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  • shadowfax
    Jul 27, 04:13 PM
    Well it's back to the future for all of us. Remember when the Mac was going 64-bit with the introduction of the G5 PowerMac on June 23, 2003? :rolleyes: Only more thanthree years later and we're doing it all over again thanks to Yonah's 7 month retrograde.

    This may be a bit of a disappointment, but I think that Merom is still in the "past:" merom is not a 64-bit chip. None of these Core 2's are. They just have EM64T (, which allows them to address more than 4 GB of memory directly. These are not true 64-bit processors like the G5--that is, the Core 2 Duo won't work with 64-bit applications. The G5's Intel counterpart would, I think, bit the Itanium chip, based on intel's IA-64 ( Architecture, which is truly 64 bit in every way. Merom simply contains a 64-bit extension to the IA-32 (x86) ( architecture, which I understand is still a 32-bit architecture. We're not out of the woods yet...

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  • dudemac
    Aug 7, 04:05 PM
    Features I want:

    -iChat screen sharing (awesome idea!) and video effects
    -Spaces (finally a Apple OS-level implementation)
    -Time Machine (I want a friggin wormhole on my computer!)

    I wish they'd show us the Top Secret features.

    But seriously, so one even saw Time Machine coming. That was a surprise!

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  • call of duty black ops map

  • puuukeey
    Aug 6, 07:42 PM

    What os x needs to kill vista is to stop rehashing the same tired window metaphors and come up with something killer. Even if, at first, it has to fit into a new view INSIDE a window. It's been 15 years that researchers have had better and cooler ways to get around and use a computer. Spotlight is the perfect technology to slay the hierarchy metaphor but a poor poor implimentation. Even something as elementry as "bumptop" or ZUIs, but hopefully along the lines of Jeff Hans work which I'm sure we're all familiar with by now. or god forbid something original.

    apple puts one tiny little gadget such as a gyroscopic sensor in a laptop and people have been going nuts writing cool software. imagine what would happen if they actually tried

    Jeff Han rightfully mocks Bill AND steve (

    Jun 14, 05:58 PM
    Here's the info from the big call we just had...

    We will be taking reservations at 12PM CST. This reservation guarantees you a phone on launch day. The way our DC knows which stores to send phones is from the reservations. Example. If my store reserves 10, i will get 10 + a few extra. There will be limited quantities, so get to your store as early as possible before 12pm cst and hang out. The pin numbers are to match your reservation to your phone b/c there is no money transfer. Replenishment on iPhone 4 is based on iPhone 3G/s sales. If your local store sells 1 every 2 weeks, they wont be getting replenished as often as a store that sole 10/week.

    Also, we CAN open whenever we want to on launch day. My store is opening at 6am. One hour before Best Buy, and ATT.

    Mar 23, 02:09 PM
    If you are supporting non-intervention, than I disagree. I support the notion that the UN (using member-nations' pooled military or civilian assets) should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions.

    With that being said, the UN has many flaws and I am not satisfied with the way things are done. But I do feel that intervention is sometimes necessary, if imperfect.

    That is totally reasonable and understandable, although I do disagree. I can't with good heart support sending my neighbors son/daughter overseas to fight for another people.

    I just find it pretty disgusting when we have the VP going on the record talking out his arse about "Unless we are attacked or unless there is proof we are about to be attacked", then a couple years later nary a peep when we start bombing a foreign country that is not even close to a threat to us. Did Biden qualify it with a " we should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions." NOPE!

    Now THAT is a classic "When my guy does it it is ok."

    Oct 15, 12:59 PM
    Why would Apple show their Clovertown workstations after HP and not simultaneusly with HP?

    Because that's usually how it works. :confused:

    HP is Intel's main launch partner for the quad-core Xeon and I think they have secured the first of the major shipments.

    Apr 19, 06:03 PM
    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

    The iPhone was revealed on January 9th 2007. It didn't ship until June due to regulatory approval.

    Jul 27, 05:59 PM
    but is still more productive because it handles more calculations per clock cycle

    I'm no processor geek. I have a basic understanding of the terminology and how things work so correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this one of the advantages that the PPC had over Intel chips? Does this mean Intel is moving toward shorter pipes? Are we talking more instructions per clock cycle or what? What does "calculations" mean in this context?

    With most processors, especially the Intel/AMD processors, "instructions per cycle" is not a useful number. These processors have both simple instructions (add register number 3 to register number 6) and complex instructions (add register number 3 to the number whose address is in register number 6). A PowerPC has the simple instructions, but not the complex ones. Instead it would need three instructions "load the number whose address is in register number 6, and move it to register 7", "add register 3 to register 7", "store register 7 to the location whose address is in register 6". But the Intel processor doesn't magically do three times as much work. Instead, it splits the complex instruction into three so-called "macro-ops", and does exactly the same work. So in this case, the PowerPC would execute three times as many instructions per cycle (3 instead of 1), but because it doesn't do more actual work, that is pointless. Instead you would count the number of operations, and they are more or less the same.

    Intel is indeed moving towards shorter pipelines. They have done that already with the Core Duo chips. Longer pipelines have the advantage that each pipeline step is a bit faster, so you can get higher clockspeed. Shorter pipelines have the advantage that they take much less energy (very important; at some point your chips just melt), they are much faster handling branches, and they are just much much easier to design. Pentium 4 needed absolutely heroic efforts to produce it, and would have needed twice the heroics to improve it. Instead, the Core Duo has a much simpler design, that is just as powerful, and because it was so simple, Core 2 Duo could improve it.

    And Core 2 Duo can now execute up to four "micro-ops" per cycle, same as the G5, compared to three for Core Duo, Pentium 4 and G4. It also has some clever features that reduce the number of micro-ops needed up to 10 percent, and some other improvements.

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