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  • Denarius
    Mar 16, 09:38 AM

    Nuclear is the only non-fossil fuel which has proven itself capable of producing sizable amounts of electricity. Wind, solar, etc. are a complete joke as of today. Instead of the OP, I guess the question you really need to answer is, should we make decisions based on sound reality based scientific data, or short-term, panic-mode, irrational reactions to the effects of an extremely rare national emergency which could have been better prepared for (like not putting the plant on the ****** BEACH!)

    For those of you advocating the elimination or reduction of nuke power, just realize that the only feasible alternative currently is...
    Drill baby, drill!

    Spot on.

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  • ~Shard~
    Oct 26, 09:11 PM
    I could not agree more. Apple has got to be in final stages of deploying a sub $2k Kentsfield desktop for 2007 or they will be missing one hell of a sales opportunity.

    Did you know I'd be following this thread Multimedia? ;) Music to my ears I tell ya... :D

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  • sangre de toro
    Mar 18, 03:04 PM
    the more barriers there are the more we get used to them. Give us a break! You pay for it, you use it and if anybody restricts you ... Long live to the many dvd whatever!

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 27, 08:37 PM
    Surprised to see this thread come to a grinding hault after only 145 posts. I pledge right here and now to be one of the first to buy a NEW 8-core Dual Clovertown Mac Pro as soon as it becomes available. I will not wait for them to go refrub although I will probably wait for them to come with iLife '07 if they are added to the BTO page before the January 9th SteveNote.

    I turn 60 on January 12th. :) Happy Birthday to me it will be. :eek: :D

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  • cwelsh
    Apr 21, 08:42 AM
    So you can steal artists property. Tell me how you can justify that? Nothing to do with android or ios but please tell me how you can justify stealing. Its the same as going into a shop and taking something. Sure nothing will happen immediately but I guarantee you will pay for it.

    Sorry that's like saying I only steal from big manufactures like Heinz or Kellogs.


    I agree with everything you just said, it's the same concept as tethering without paying the mandatory fee. People will try to justify stealing in any way possible.

    On topic, i am very disappointed with the LTE announcement but regardless my 3GS is slowly dying, so it looks like i'll be getting the iphone 5 anyhow.

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  • QCassidy352
    Jul 12, 09:45 AM
    I'd just like to direct all of your attention to this thread ( and ask those of you who said merom was going to be in the imac: what were you thinking? :confused: ;)

    I realize it's a little early to be gloating, but c'mon, it's definitely going to be conroe. Which, btw, I find even more exciting than the mac pro news because while I'll never have a mac pro, an imac is always possible. :cool: (though I'm thrilled about woodcrest in the mac pro anyway because it allows the imac to get conroe, and because it's great news for those of you who want a mac pro. :))

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 12, 08:55 AM
    Before everyone jumps to conclusions and spreads fear mongering ... as I said this will not be like Chernobyl.

    While we are all on the same page and wish for the best news possible for the region ... we need to look at this with proper perspective.

    Chernobyl was 25 years ago and happened in a country known at the time to reject outside help.

    What is unfolding in Japan will be dealt with by the very best experts the World has to offer.

    I have complete confidence no matter how this turns ... The Japanese Government will do what is right for the people who live there.

    IMO ... this will be under control quite soon. Watching it on the news and the Internet is almost pathetic ... the Media seems to want this to get bigger.

    We all wish the best for everyone affected by this tragedy.

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  • panzer06
    Jun 19, 03:48 PM
    In testing throughout the SE, I find I consistently get dropped calls when using my iphone on AT&T. Granted many are in areas with lots of trees or mountain roads, however, if I take the spare (non-iphone) still on AT&T I do not have the problem. iPhone dropped calls happen in strong signal or weak. We have two 3G and one 3GS. I truly believe there is something wrong in the iphone's voice circuitry. It is something we've learned to live with at home and work (where many co-workers have iphones).

    Unless the CDMA technology employed by Verizon and Sprint is so different from GSM based carriers I imagine Verizon customers would experience the same poor service. Touting Verizon as the magic fix to these problems is foolish (unless GSM/iphone combo is the culprit) and people who switch to a Verizon iphone will most likely be disappointed. Additionally, even if a CDMA iphone was free of dropped calls, no one is going to keep that technology around for much longer.

    Bashing AT&T is pointless. The problem is global. You can search google for iphone dropped calls in UK, AU, DE and any other country and find massive complaints and some lawsuits about iphones dropping calls.

    What's remarkable is Apple's ability to sell millions upon millions of these devices and have people come to accept dropped calls as just an unfortunate by-product of having a superior application/web/data experience. The switch to texting, e-mail and social networks as primary communications outlets have made talking on the phone obsolete for many. Perhaps this is part of the reason such a serious problem has been pretty much ignored (even while the complaints continue) and sales of the iphone have grown.


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  • Consultant
    Apr 11, 11:17 AM
    I miss wasting most of my time waiting for windows to start up / shut down / update / virus scan / defrag / pop up warnings / etc. :rolleyes:

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  • aiqw9182
    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    They should have just called this iMovie pro, because that's what it is. So, Apple Color is left to die the death of Shake, huh? Wow, crazy. I bet Avid is pretty thrilled with this. It's almost like they said "Let's leave the big installs to Avid"

    It's iMovie Pro yet it retains all features of the previous Final Cut and then some in a modern UI with massive performance gains? OK bro, whatever helps you sleep at night.

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  • Macky-Mac
    Mar 26, 12:44 PM
    Priests make the choice to do it. Why should gay people be expected to do it? To make everyone else feel better about it? Why shouldn't heterosexuals abstain then?

    there are people who think the government should make MORE laws about sexual behavior's one who is in favor of making heterosexual relations outside of marriage illegal. :eek:

    Sex outside marriage should be illegal, says Parnell nominee
    Don Haase was active for years as advocate for socially conservative issues.

    JUNEAU -- Gov. Sean Parnell's appointee for the panel that nominates state judges testified Wednesday that he would like to see Alaskans prosecuted for having sex outside of marriage.....

    link (

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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 12:23 PM
    Those priests obviously weren't celibate, then.

    Yes, it really does suck that there are bad people everywhere.

    No, they weren't celibate. They're criminals. So is your pope.

    So yes, it sucks that there are bad people everywhere. It also sucks that the Catholic church ordained so many child rapists, and then sheltered the child rapists from criminal prosecution by covering up child rape, and then relocated the child rapists so that more children could be raped.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 27, 12:27 AM
    So what? So someone had to decide which books belonged in there and which did not. The choice was most certainly partly arbitrary and partly political. I mean, even if you could reasonably claim divine inspiration for the authorship, can you also claim divine guidance for the compilation? Especially considering that various Christian sects cannot agree on even that.

    The books were selected nearly unanimously with the exception of a select few books of the bible.

    Also, if they were divinely inspired (meaning God went through the trouble of having them written), why would they not be divinely compiled together? It wouldn't make sense for God to have his scripture written, then put in a compilation with a bunch of non-scripture, then mistranslated to boot. Therefore, you either believe that there is a God and that the Bible is exactly what it is supposed to be, or you believe neither

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  • Gurutech
    Oct 26, 06:44 PM
    On the video front, crushing video down to mp4 files is a two stage process which each use 3-4 cores. Hosing an 8-core Mac Pro will be no problem. Those of you who think that 8-cores is a lot and crazy have no experience with multi-core applications and the idea of running multiple instances of even single core applications simultaneously. You are going to have to begin to RETHINK how you execute your workflow - i.e. the ORDER in which you initiate processes - to get the most bang out of an 8-core Mac Pro and to begin learning how to get more work done in far less time than you do today.
    Thank you for both those posts. I have felt pretty alone on these 8-core threads thus far. Glad to finally see someone else who understands and can explain so well why 8-cores is still not going to be enough joining in on these discussions.

    Any of you who don't think a 16-core Mac Pro will be a hit in a year can really only be into word processing. :p

    Mac Pro is only true desktop offering from Apple. That's the problem.
    Not that many individuals really want that much power.
    However, they do intensive enough tasks requiring more power that exceeds what iMac can offer. The price and power ratio of iMac is just not enough.

    Apple really needs something between "Pro" and "Consumer".
    If iMac offered the ability to work as monitor, I wouldn't be disappointed by this much.

    This is getting old already, but what I need is a decent Conroe Desktop with around 1500 USD price tag.

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  • electroshock
    Oct 8, 07:04 AM
    You guys are all forgetting. The world is going to end in 2012 so it wont matter. :)

    Hopefully, after the Olympics. ;)

    As for the prediction of Android surpassing iPhone's market share -- maybe, maybe not. But if it's going to do that, it'll have to suddenly hit the 'wow' factor and also gain an international distribution, network, and support of some kind.

    I hear GOOG and VZN are in bed now but that seems U.S.-centric. To have any prayer of surpassing the iPhone, GOOG is going to have to hook up with a lot of other providers in other nations.

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 12:23 PM
    What about fear of hell in the afterlife? Pretty powerful motivator that. Most mainstream religions still cling to this notion.
    There are hells (known as "naraga") in Hinduism and Buddhism too, but none of them are eternal and all of them are only for people who have done really bad things in life - regardless of faith or lack thereof.

    Christian believers who are enslaved by their fear of hell, as opposed to having their faith based on genuine love to God, will allegedly end up in hell anyway.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 12, 09:25 AM
    And this is why we have passive cooling and shutdown systems, so you don't have to rely on mechanical means for core safety.

    Do you have a link for this? I'd like to read about it. I would think a system setup to automatically scram when power is lost would be the ideal.


    Please stop speculating about the situation of the Japanese nuclear reactors, protocols, and regulations, or how they--those specific ones--work.

    I agree speculation may not be helpful but there is the government on one hand reassuring everyone, possibly minimizing the situation and the press which tends to maximize the situation. Speculation is very human and concern is understandable. BTW, my sympathy goes out to Japan. I've spent a lot of time there and it is my favorite Asian country. I hope you recover quickly from this disaster.

    Good. Perhaps we can depend on being kept up to date. The media does it's job, but is a loose cannon.

    "Making news" that is what they do. I don't condone it.

    Nuclear energy is substantially better for the environment, countries like china however continue to use coal as they main source of energy because they have tons of it and it's cheaper than making the foray into building nuclear plants. Which inevitably results in poor air quality all over the country.

    Nuclear power would be wonderful if not for thousands of radioactive barrels that will be dangerous for the next 10k years, tsunamis, earthquakes, and acts of terrorism. Now, if they can actually start find a way to reuse or safely dispose of this waste that might moderate my view somewhat. And there is the "not in my backyard" problem.

    Before everyone jumps to conclusions and spreads fear mongering ... as I said this will not be like Chernobyl.

    I'd say you are speculating. I'm in the wait and see mode.

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  • takao
    Mar 14, 12:31 PM
    His worry seems to center around the possibility of a hydrogen explosion inside of the containment vessel causing a wall breech. He also believes that the previous hydrogen explosion was due to gas escaping in an unplanned manner.

    AFAIK the problem with reactor 2 is now that the pressure inside the containment is very,very high because of damaged valves preventing steam from escaping in a controlled manner. thus they cant simply pump in more and more water to cool the currently not covered fuel rods because it would dramatically increase the pressure and thus risk containment damages

    so they are currently walking the fine line between risking the containment by pumping in water and a meltdown if they don't.. hardly a situation anybody wants to be

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  • Silentwave
    Jul 11, 11:30 PM
    One thing i was just thinking... with some laptop vendors considering Conroe due to it being pretty damn efficient, how about this one:

    MacBook - Merom - optimized for LONG battery life
    MacBook Pro - Conroe - optimized to be a true mobile professional workstation

    unlikely. MBPs already have heating issues, and Yonah core duo standard voltage is designed with a TDP of up to 31W. Merom has up to 35W.
    Conroe and Allendale both are TDP 65W throughout the range except teh Conroe extremes which are TDP of 80W. No info yet on the Low Votlage or Ultra Low Voltage Meroms, but if any high end processor beyond merom were to get into the MBPs, which i doubt due to the need for a different socket, i'd actually call it as Woodcrest!

    The dual core Xeon 5148 Low Voltage, clocking at 2.33GHz with 4MB L2 cache and 1333MT/S FSB has a TDP of 40W- only 5W higher than the Meroms.

    Apr 14, 07:11 PM
    It's not a BSD vs. Linux issue, either OS can run either shell or even run different shells in different windows on the same machine

    This is generally true, but there are other subtle differences. Some of the provided utilities in Linux are GNU versions of the same utilities provided in Mac OS X. They sometimes can have different command line options than other versions. Fortunately you can install the GNU versions from MacPorts easily.

    e.g. the Mac OS version of ls has an option "-@" which is not implemented in the GNU version for Mac OS specific extended attributes, and the GNU version implement verbose options like: --recursive instead of -R.


    Mar 18, 03:05 PM
    It's a great convenience until the RIAA gets pissed and either changes their mind about downloadable music or tells Apple to hike their prices.

    We shouldn't worry though, Apple will defeat this in no time.

    Really?. how?. Regardless of what apple does, it might be even easier for DVD Jon to break their new programming than for them to come up with new programming. Think about it. A company with a lot of paid developers getting outwitted by a guy with time on his hands. I think he wins everytime. Their cost to defeat him is astromnomical compared to his cost to defeat them.

    Although it's an eye opener to know that itunes itself is what wraps the music with DRM. I'd have thought the music was already DRM'd on the server. But I can see why apple chose that route, so that to get DRM'd songs onto an ipod, you would have to use itunes. I bet they never thought someone would bypass the itunes interface (kind of shortsighted if you ask me, this should have been anticipated).

    One way around this problem would be to store the music in an encoded format and have itunes decode the music and wrap in DRM.
    Unfortunately, that can be bypassed too. A competent enough person (example DVD jon) could intercept the process between decode and before DRM wrapping and deliver the music. Another way would be for itunes server to request itunes to send a key and then use that key to add DRM to the music on server before delivering to user, although then you could build a player that intercepted the key and uses it to remove the DRM.
    I'm sure for every solution apple can think of, DVD jon can think of a way to defeat it. There might be no technical solution to the problem at all.

    Oct 28, 03:20 PM
    Wow, and I thought the G5's were God.

    Apr 20, 08:56 PM
    Ive had macs sine the late 90's, ipad, all iphones etc.

    But this summer im getting the galaxy s2. But i like to customize stuff. I feel the iphone is generic. Everyone is the same with a different background.

    I feel they can do so much more with their os. And yes apple fanboys will say just wait for ios 5.0. Problem is we have this disucussion last year to.

    Also with honeycomb android actually made a tablet os. I hate that theipad is just a scaled version of the iphone os. Use the screenspace.

    Dont get me wrong. I love apple. But they have their shortcomings. Dunno why the iphone 5 (rumors) will get delayed. Then android will get a surge the next months.

    Also i feel sorry for those who are mindeless zombies and just buy whatever the company makes. That goes for both parts ofcourse.

    I jusr love the open feel of android. Play a 1080p mkv if i want. Download torrrnts. File system. Widgets, cusromaztion. And i love the apple ecosystem, just not how closed the experienced gets.

    I just hope we can respect people for having different taste, and jusr enjoy our purchase. And dont pick on eachother

    Oct 25, 10:46 PM
    I am so there with the cash ready a willing to fly out the window to Apple's account sooner than Apple can say:

    "8-Core Mac Pro Available At the Apple Online Store For Ordering." :)

    Yeah, I might do the same.
    The only thing that keeps me using my Quad G5 now is the fact Adobe CS2 is not universal and the memory price of the new Mac Pro's are soooo high.
    But the octo-core for sure will be faster than the quad G5 for non universal Adobe CS2 apps.
    Interesting decision to make.
    I'll make my mind when this really happens.

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