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  • notjustjay
    Nov 28, 09:20 PM
    If can prove to the record companies that all the music on my iPod is legitimately sourced, I expect them to send me a refund of this fee.

    Seriously, name me ONE other industry where the sales and marketing people blatantly call their customers liars, cheats and thieves, while we just sit there and take it.

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  • hulugu
    Apr 27, 11:19 PM
    Can you name ONE person here who suggested its a forgery?

    Right, you typically dig through government documents looking for goofy layers (or object) and you're just asking questions about this one document which happens to prove that Obama was born in the United States.

    What I find remarkable is you were one of the ones arguing that all Obama has to do is show the long-form document and now that the White House has, you're still arguing about the document. It's a fair question to wonder why there are layers in a document, but you can't honestly say that such a question doesn't lead down a path that would logically come to the conclusion that a document was a forgery.

    Am I a liar? I have no idea if you're doing it right, or if you are even using Illustrator, or if the PDF was replaced with a single-layer/object one. Just do a Google search for 'obama birth certificate layers' and you'll see that I'm not the only one who downloaded a file with multiple layers or objects or whatever.

    It seems like it changes depending on the settings and edition of Creative Suite you have.

    I'm quite sure that my rare posts in this forum have little to do with what you and your army think of this forum...besides, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

    Yeah it does. ;)

    It'd be fascinating to see how much people cared about 'layers' if the documents in question related to Bush's National Guard deployment or something similar. ;) Haha, no bias here boys!

    The difference between me and you is that I'd want an explanation in either account. ;)

    Those hypotheticals make for easy arguments. You do have a bias against Obama and you should just admit it. When a document comes around that runs counter to your worldview make sure you ask the same kinds of questions.

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  • oldwatery
    Apr 19, 02:09 PM
    What annoys me even more is that Apple always seems to make these claims that they made such and such first, and that Windows is copying Mac OS.. What annoys me is if you know a bit of the history you'll find that Apple copied Xerox interface, with permission of course, but it's not like they came up with it first..

    Now they are making another claim that Samsung is copying..


    Everything is just a development of something else.
    There is no absolute originality.
    This is a stupid waste of time and effort.
    But I guess when you get all big and high and mighty then why not throw some of the spare cash at a silly law suit if for no other reason than getting more publicity.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 10:19 AM
    Maybe that's what you heard.

    I heard that the database couldn't be user purged (easily)
    The the database kept data from Day one
    and that Location services being turned off didn't change the recording of the data.

    Apple fans were "more correct". Wow. Ok - if you say so.... and if it helps you sleep at night

    I'm talking about the hyperbole, not the sensible discussion that was going on too. You are capable of such discussions, and so am I. We do not represent the majority of the comments in these threads which contained lots of hair-on-fire paranoia. The Apple fans trying to talk such folks down off the roof were right.

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  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 31, 05:28 PM
    I really do think that Android/Windows is a good comparison. At least, in terms of getting Android out there on as many different phones as possible. And while that certainly worked, it doesn't really mean that Android is the best OS because it is slightly different depending on the hardware it is on. Which brings up a clear advantage of iOS: It's written specifically for the hardware it is on.

    What matters most is quality, not quantity... right?

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 27, 10:29 PM
    I'm seriously beginning to lose my patience with idiots. Is anyone else completely sick of these fools?

    I lost it a long time ago. Trump is an asshat that should just shut the **** up and go back to diddling eastern european models and building casinos (is that christian right compliant I wonder?).

    The truth is if Barack Obama was instead Piers Morgan or Simon Cowell and a republican candidate, there would have been an uproar if anyone had dared to ask if they were actually Americans by birth. Its racism, period. The right doesn't want a liberool n***** in the white house. That is it in the ****ing list. Anyone saying that's not what this is about is a ****ing liar.

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  • ryanx27
    Aug 27, 10:32 PM
    I like them as well, but I think it's been replaced with Merom next tuesday, G6 Video iPod next next tuesday and the good old iPhone next tuesday rumors.

    Still good for a laugh ;)

    Hahaha, "iPhone" is a one-word punchline

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  • gauriemma
    Nov 29, 10:34 AM
    Sounds like Universal is realizing that their anticipated cash influx they were hoping to see from Zune sales isn't going to materialize, so they're looking to leech off a player that will actually be AROUND in 2007.

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  • Reach9
    Mar 26, 12:49 AM
    Already done eh? Sounds great, can't wait to see it in WWDC.

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  • emulator
    Mar 26, 10:07 AM
    Since when do companies release several GMs? betas, release candidates yes, but there should and will be only ONE gold master.

    And zero "golden master". :D

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  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 5, 08:12 PM
    Nobody's using Blu-Ray, in my experience.

    There is a whole thread about that, though. Don't read it.

    Perhaps a little hasty of me, I was simply meant to say that in my experience I've not ever been required to deliver anything on Blu-Ray, and that to my mind it was a purely consumer format.

    I've been to quite a few film festivals that take entries on Blu-Ray.

    Apple has two mountains to climb: 1) to keep up with their competition where they used to lead. (2) They have to convince users that the mac as a pro platform is a good investment.

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  • chrmjenkins
    Mar 22, 06:09 PM
    A government in power is responding against a rebellion.

    If a rebellion sprang up in the United States, our government would respond with force as well.

    "Slaughtering his own people" sounds a little propogandish to me. Are you saying that Qaddafi is taking people who have no connection to the rebellion at all and slaughtering them?

    How can any government meet armed internal rebellion without qualifying as "slaughtering their own people"?

    As others have pointed out, killing a peaceful protester (or non-involved innocent civilian for that matter) is never justified.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 02:54 PM
    Anybody doing credit card fraud would have a somewhat better chance of staying undetected if they knew you usually whereabouts. Credit card companies use highly evolved software to track if a CC transaction is unusual.

    I think it is save to assume that most people do not store their credit card number in plain text on their computer. If some piece of software (eg, a browser) would do this, wouldn't this be something you preferred it would not do?

    Ahhhh..... dude... I'm more worried about my wallet being stolen.

    Again... the tower tracking does nothing and for your average crook to put your iPhone database together with your physical credit card... for what? They slash and burn not sit there and try and sort out if you go to Target or JC Penneys more. What do they care?

    Come one people... think and come back to earth.

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  • firewood
    Mar 26, 06:47 PM
    I'm glad rosetta is going away. Maybe the dev will finally update the app.

    The dev is dead, too old to program anymore, or has long ago moved on to other companies and hobbies, etc. Maybe the source code depends on the PowerPlant framework, or is on a floppy disk that the dog chewed up. But thousands of Mac users still like using the old application a lot better than any of the new cr*plets.

    Maybe you'll volunteer to rewrite a new app as good or better, in every regard, for free?

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  • LarryC
    Mar 26, 01:12 AM
    im using snow leopard, will all my documents and apps gone if i upgrade to lion ?

    The short answer is no. There are always different types of installation. One is called archive and install. You really should have your things backed up to another hard drive or to disc just in case anything goes wrong. Actually everybody "should" have all of their data backed up to a reliable source at all times.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 12:01 PM
    So the Apple crew is simply waiting on marketing until they release these new laptops? Exactly how much marketing needs to go into a slight update? I understand that these are 64-bit processors but the average consumer has no clue what that means to begin with. Waiting for the marketing crew seems really strange to me, should they have not already been ready for this transition by now? Just make a box on the front page that has a picture of a MBP and let it say "the fastest just got faster" or something.

    Yeah, what kind of marketing have they done for the new iMacs? What did they need to do before they pushed it out? If C2D MBP's are just sitting there ready to head out, why is marketting sitting on their hands?

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  • jeanlain
    Apr 12, 03:55 AM
    "Insufficient content"
    Is an error message that pops up at random. Very frustrating.

    But Compressor don't. At least not if you send something from FC directly. You have to create a QuickTime file first, then open that in Compressor, then it will use all your cores.
    BUT only if you have manage to set up Qmaster correctly first. It took me 5 days online to figure this out and make it work properly. I still come to post houses where they haven't figured this out.
    It shouldn't have to be this complicated
    The insufficient content shouldn't pop up at random, or there is a bug. It pops up when there is insufficient content for a transition. Some transitions like crossfade are centered at the end/starting point of a clip. So it expands past/before this point, hence the need of additional content in the file.

    I didn't know about that multicore issue with Compressor when launched directly from the timeline. I suspect an issue with your setup. Compressor does make good use of my 4 cores on mpeg2 and I never set up Qmaster.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 28, 08:04 AM
    Step out of your little fairytale world

    I loves me some irony.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 18, 11:33 PM
    For the love of God, please, learn to spell.

    It's just not the spelling it's the grammatical errors in general as well.

    Aug 25, 02:47 PM
    I tried to type in my battery serial number only to have it say it was invalid even though I fell with in the given range of serial numbers. So I called Apple and after waiting on hold for about 20min they said I WAS VALID! So I dont know whats going on, but if you seem to be having the same problem you should DEFINITELY call them and double check your battery serial number.

    Aug 7, 12:03 PM
    Admittedly trademark law isn't my specialty, but I suspect Apple has a trademark on the word "Mac," and adding a generic word like "Pro" to it does not seem like something you could claim any originality with. Especially since it's based on their trademarked word in the first place. Is there something I'm missing?

    Oh, and a computer and computer store aren't exactly the same thing. How are you going to claim consumer confusion?

    David :cool:

    Apple has actually filed for the trademark "Mac Pro" _before_ this guy filed.

    Feb 28, 06:36 PM
    Well, I have nothing to say, but that the University has grounds for dismissal if difference of opinion arises.

    True, you can argue the gay card, but in this case, they college played the rights cards to get rid of him. Was it the best choice? No.

    Still, it's the college's right on who teaches or not; and seeing how it's a Catholic Church college, I'd say it was bound to happen.

    I agree, the situation in the OP was bound to happen sooner or later.

    Aug 7, 06:39 PM
    Norton's GoBack, which was purchased from some other company
    Yeah, I recommended GoBack to a number of users back in the day (I think it was Adaptec that owned it at one point). No-one seemed to like it at the time.

    As I and others reminisce it's a feature that has been around for well over 20 years in VMS. It's only relatively new to personal computers.


    Sep 13, 12:36 PM
    How much more 'blind' do you want it? All the programmer has to do at this point is use multiple threads. Even if they don't, multiple cores will be automatically used for system and other processes.

    Splitting one thread so that it ran cocurent with itself is a recipie for massive trouble. Mac OS X is about as blind as any system out there for the programmer. There may be some more optimizations that the system could make in it's own handling of multiprocessing, but from a programmer's perspective it doesn't matter how many cores the system has. (Unless you really want it to.)

    Programming in pthreads is a bear (at least to me) an easier method would be nice. However, when I was looking up something today I came across OpenMP (http://www.openmp.org/) which seems to greatly simply setting up threads and the like. I suppose I was just thinking of run-time parallelization.

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