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iphone 4 boxes. The White iPhone 4 box has the
  • The White iPhone 4 box has the

  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 01:42 PM
    I was always under the impression that reincarnation was considered a kind of living hell, like reliving Junior High School over and over again.

    The fire and brimstone of hell certainly figures in a lot of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity and many of the Protestant ones too. My father-in-law is a presbyterian lay preacher and constantly prattled on about it.

    In Hinduism, reincarnation is a natural part of life. As long as you follow the rules of the caste you belong to, you will get better incarnation next time. In Buddhism, reincarnation is not a state of hell in itself, but it's a barrier to salvation - and it's caused by the insatiability of human wants.

    There are several hells in Hinduism, none of which are permanent so maybe it's better to refer to them as "purgatories". The purgatories are called naraka and there are many of them. There are various narakas for different sinners, such as one for alcoholics, another one for liars, a third one for thieves, etc. The punishments are usually made to "fit the crime" in ironic ways. There are also heavens, but these aren't permanent either. In most teachings of Buddhism, there is a similar cosmology.

    The "flames of hell" have been mentioned many places in the New Testament, but the original texts translate literally to "flames of Gehenna". Gehenna was a landfill outside Jerusalem, a symbol of total destruction at the time. People were throwing sulfur down on the flames to keep the fire burning. In other words, the Christian "hell" was intially the cessation of existance. This is what Buddhists refer to as "nirvana", i.e. no more reincarnations. It's a paradox that what in one religion is seen as salvation, used to be the opposite in another.

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  • iphone 4 boxes. iphone 4 box

  • Speedy2
    Oct 7, 05:28 PM
    Yes, I have. Several times. Things have changed, but the base premise of the article still applies - Microsoft Got Lucky - there is no way to suggest that Apple can pull that off in this day in age when the world depends too much on Microsoft.

    Well I think the original argument was not about Apple copying MSs success. I think we all agree that indeed MS got extremely lucky (but also showed a lot of skill and ruthlessness in exploiting that luck). However, the original argument was more about whether Mac OS would enjoy a higher market share if it were open to PCs. It probably would if Apple supported only "certified systems" to avoid driver issues. In any case, it is extremly unlikely that this is going to happen and therefore pure, rather meaningless speculation. :)

    iphone 4 boxes. The OttaBox Defend for iPhone
  • The OttaBox Defend for iPhone

  • jav6454
    Mar 18, 01:49 AM
    Yeah, because ever since the iTunes store opened, I haven't had the need...

    Unless it's Metallica, then I'm all for ripping those guys off, just to mess with them!

    TBH, I've never used music sharing sites. I have actually obtained physical copies of the original CD and ripped that. Other hard to find songs I do buy. So, your whole napster deal doesn't apply to me.

    As per tethering, hell to the NO am I changing to a tiered plan.

    iphone 4 boxes. Essential Apple iPhone 4 4G
  • Essential Apple iPhone 4 4G

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 06:10 PM
    What is a "devout atheist"? :confused:

    They genuflect without warning, something like an epileptic. :rolleyes:

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  • iphone 4 box pics. iphone 4

  • Ivan0310
    Apr 28, 07:39 AM
    I dont think iPads should be included. A computer shouldn't need a computer to be usable.

    Agreed. I disagree completely with Steve & Co. when they refer to this or any other of their mobile devices as a 'Post-PC' device. Something that is 'after' the PC shouldn't rely on one (in large or small part) in order to function.

    iphone 4 boxes. that iPhone 4 yesterday?
  • that iPhone 4 yesterday?

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 05:59 PM
    The freedom of women is an archaic subject. It is established that women generally had less rights as we go back in time.If it was the Word of God™ itself that came from Mohammed's lips, then surely it would sound less like the word of a warlike, bigoted misogynist. Jesus' words are remarkably peaceful and inclusive by comparison. Paul of course, and other "spokesmen" for the organisation, added all kinds of glosses and amendments which were not part of Jesus' original message as transmitted to us.

    Anything that goes against Western Values is evil to me... or at least anathema. I don't like the term evil, it's too christian... as is anathema for that matter.Perhaps we can agree on haram? :)

    iphone 4 boxes. White iPhone 4 unboxed – Is it
  • White iPhone 4 unboxed – Is it

  • pbh444
    Apr 10, 09:04 AM
    "MCV reports that Apple has poached two major public relations executives from Nintendo (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/43885/Rob-Saunders-heading-to-Apple) and Activision (http://www.mcvuk.com/news/43894/Now-Activisions-Nick-Grange-joins-Apple), respectively."

    Hoo hah...

    This would be a much more important development if Apple had poached head game developers from Nintendo and Activision and not just PR people.

    PR people deal with spin and without the quality developers create, spin doesn't mean a thing.

    iphone 4 boxes. white iphone 4 2
  • white iphone 4 2

  • CoryTV
    Apr 12, 10:55 PM
    But these pros you speak of... it doesn't matter.. Being an editor doesn't mean knowing software. It's all about the aesthetics of montage. So whether they can turn on their computer or not, it doesn't matter. That's why productions hire Assistant Editors...

    Yes, that was exactly my point. The people who know how to use the software are (sometimes) assistant editors, although I find the vast majority know how to do a few simple things, but do them well.. The original poster was implying you needed to be a hollywood film editor to judge technical capabilities, and I was saying they were the worst choice for just that reason.

    The people who know the most about editing systems are the Sr. editors who work on heavy, effects based sequences that work in broadcast production environments (I'm not talking about me here). *They* are the ones who push systems to the limits and *they* are the ones who go to NAB. (They're still only 10% of that room)

    I think that most of them will find that Apple has, at present abandoned them. That's not to say the industry won't shift, and there won't be enough 3rd party solutions out there, but they are throwing Avid a HUGE bone here.

    FCP was making big inroads into broadcast, and they're throwing it away-- for today certainly.

    Filmwise, could go either way, depending on the production. If it's got great RED/4k performance, "film" support isn't so important..

    But for the indie crowd, they're really screwing them over, if they are abandoning Color. *THAT* is what shocked me. I'm also surprised that effects weren't more advanced. I couldn't see anything on a titling tool, but that's pretty imporant for Broadcast as well.. and *no* existing solution is good for that... They really had (have?) a chance to make that right, and it seems they don't care.

    So, when I say "iMovie Pro" that isn't necessarily pejorative. This product is WAY, WAY, WAY more iMovie than FCP. That doesn't mean you can't cut "a real movie" on it. But for Broadcast TV, it's a real step down in a lot of ways-- at the very least not a step up.. The interface is very iMovie. They should have called it iMovie PRO, especially if they're getting rid of the rest of the FCS apps..

    Now if it turns out this is just the tip of the iceberg-- then we really could be in for a treat.

    iphone 4 boxes. iphone 4 box pics. zukernik
  • iphone 4 box pics. zukernik

  • ~loserman~
    Mar 20, 06:28 PM
    It is wrong? How so? If I burn a track for my wedding video, yes, I'm technically breakeing the law, but there is nothing immoral about doing that. No one is losing out on any money. No one is being hurt. He isn't stealing anything. He's breaking a copyright law that makes no sense in that case.

    If you add it to your wedding video for your own use then you are not. If you make copies of the video and give them to the wedding guests then you are.

    iphone 4 boxes. The Box and Battery for Apple
  • The Box and Battery for Apple

  • Black94TSi
    May 5, 03:01 PM
    I live in an area where there are 4 towers within 3 miles. I have usually 2 bars in my house and 5 bars outside.

    In any given day I drop at least 60% of my calls. I will get around 10 failed calls too(goes against my minutes).

    I am a new att customer too, just signed up in November.

    I am really thinking of going back to sprint where I never had dropped or failed calls.

    iphone 4 boxes. White iPhone 4 In Black iPhone
  • White iPhone 4 In Black iPhone

  • darkplanets
    Mar 13, 10:17 AM
    I too don't expect anything like Chernobyl. But, it doesn't help when a Government "Official" tells the media that there is nothing to worry about then another "Official" mentions that there could be a meltdown or something.

    Government officials are government officials-- they will never outright tell you the truth, because 9 times out of 10 they're uninformed about it or were told to say something they may not necessarily believe. They usually try to cover their bases-- see this way the government is covered in case something does happen.

    well flooding the inner containment vessel with seawater + added boric acid is by all means an absolute last resort option in any playbook
    (hardly a DIY solution: many reactors have the option and external connectors to do just that)
    afterall they don't even know the situation inside because the temperature sensors aren't working anymore
    also since that water can't be exchanged directly it means that they might have to cool the containment construction from the outside with additional water
    I'll definitely agree with you there; it's not ideal, but it will work. Remember that BWRs will continue to make heat post control rod insertion. Boric acid itself isn't that toxic... in fact it can be rather useful in many chemistry situations. Also, if we're talking blunt toxicity, remember you make boric acid through borax, something we use every day in detergents. The LD50 for Boric acid is actually higher than table salt, although there are some reproductive health concerns. I think the biggest problem we're seeing here was the lack of redundancy for external power supplies, and the potential lack of modern safety systems-- as per my previous post, there's supposed to be a wide range of safety measures to assure that this never happens, but due to it's age, who knows.[/quote]

    As a consequence the German government for example is already thinking about taking back their early decision to extend the use of their current nuclear plants
    This is what I dislike. Not to get all political here, but alternative energy, however nice, is nowhere even close to providing the power we need. Windmills cannot ever meet energy demand; we're talking about a 5% fill if we put them everywhere. They're also too costly at this point for their given power output. Solar energy, though promising, still has a piss poor efficiency, and thus isn't ready for prime usage for some time. There's really no other alternatives. Despite these few instances (usually caused by human error) nuclear power is actually quite safe... but most people aren't educated enough to know whats actually the deal, and instead listen to the likes of Greenpeace and so on, who coincidentally also have no idea what they're talking about. If Germany is that concerned, they should be upgrading their safety systems, not abandoning it.

    While the thread seems to be focused on the crisis at the nuclear power station, pictures are emerging showing the devastation left behind by the tsunami...

    That is far more destruction than the power station could bring.

    iphone 4 boxes. iPhone 4: the Ars Technica
  • iPhone 4: the Ars Technica

  • killr_b
    Jul 12, 04:55 PM
    My point exactly...Mac Snobbery at it's finest.

    Yeah mister 6" PeeCee, you must've missed where Steve Jobs said something along the lines of, "BMW and Mercedes have about a 14% market share. What's wrong with being a BMW or a Mercedes?"

    This is my philosophy as well. I don't drive a Ford. I don't want XP. I don't want an HP. So suck your PC.

    iphone 4 boxes. in black iPhone 4 boxes.
  • in black iPhone 4 boxes.

  • macrookie101
    Jun 14, 01:42 PM
    Theres one thing about Apple and thats they know how to integrate software and hardware to make a very slick user experience so i wouldn't rule Apple out :cool:

    iphone 4 boxes. Apple+iphone+4+ox+
  • Apple+iphone+4+ox+

  • johnnowak
    Mar 20, 07:01 AM
    The "Apple first" nuts in this thread are the the ones that give the Mac community a bad name. "Digital rights management" blows.

    iphone 4 boxes. 16GB iPhone 4 4G +Box
  • 16GB iPhone 4 4G +Box

  • Cromulent
    Mar 26, 11:12 PM
    ...seems to be asking the absurd question

    You need to learn how to read quoted text before reading a response.

    so I guess I'm asking not "why are condoning the belief or not condoning it," but rather "what possible sense could it make from a practical perspective."

    You obviously seem to be missing the extremely simple point here, I was merely pointing out that in Catholicism priests are expected to be celibate so expecting a gay person to be celibate is not exactly unheard of in a religious context.

    The fact that some people have the opinion that being gay is OK as long as you are not a practicing gay follows the same logic as priests being expected to remain celibate and also shares some of the reasons why as well.

    Being gay and being a priest have absolutely nothing in common.

    If you had followed the thread you would see where the original comment came from.

    iphone 4 boxes. ADVERTISEMENT. The full

  • uzombie
    Sep 26, 12:49 PM
    Since the 3.0ghz Woodcrest is now about $875 (street), I am betting it will drop another $100 when the Clovertown 4 cores are released (Those prices are for 1000 lot each, so resellers will undoubtedly charge more). Until the Woodcrest 3.0Ghz duals hit below the $450 mark, it makes more $ense to get the CPUs you need, now. (that is in the MacPro, not as self-upgrades)

    It looks like you are better off buying the mac you want, than wait for CPU prices to drop enough to build on-the-cheap (getting low-end 2.0ghz, then upgrading to X1900 and dual Clovertown 2.66 4-cores). By the time the price on those CPUs is reasonable, Apple may have a new Pro and bus. And intel wil have more cores than we need. Or atleast, the hardware is far ahead of the software written to fully utilize the cores.

    We welcome the bloatware overloards! ;)

    iphone 4 boxes. Even an iPhone 4?! Darn!
  • Even an iPhone 4?! Darn!

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 27, 04:30 PM
    But no one here has proved that Nicolosi is an unreliable representative of his field. If someone proves that Nicolosi is mistaken, maybe no one will need to attack him.

    Has he published anything in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of high (or even average) standing?

    iphone 4 boxes. (Editor#39;s note: the iPhone 4
  • (Editor#39;s note: the iPhone 4

  • CaoCao
    Apr 22, 08:00 PM
    This makeup of this forum's members intrigues mean slightly. Why are most of the posters here Atheists? Is it part of the Mac using demographic, the Internet in general's demographic, or are Atheists just the most interested in Politics, Religon, and Social Issues?

    iz cald teh interwebz, der r lotz ov werd peplz hre.

    The internet has a lot of anarchists too, they typically think they are one of the few people who have broken free of the slave mindset of their country

    iphone 4 boxes. white iPhone 4.
  • white iPhone 4.

  • The Beatles
    Apr 9, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Was the MacNN headline "Apple Poaching Gaming PR Execs from Activision and Nintendo?" the true story? It would give a very different impression if the headline had been "PR Execs Abandoning Activision and Nintendo for Apple?" And in fact the article says that Grange "jumped ship".

    Were they pushed or pulled?

    That's why I don't bother ever going to appleinsider. Their headlines are sensationalized BS.

    Mar 19, 01:09 PM
    I find it rather surprising how blindly people here defend Apple, even after seeing how they remove your rights little by little. How many times can you burn your iTunes-songs to CD? It used to be ten times. But Apple reduced it to seven.
    As I recall, the limit is on how many times you can burn a specific playlist. You can burn a song an unlimited number of times. This is a big difference.

    manu chao said:If you go to a concert, theatre play, any kind of performance or into any of fee-charging class or course and smuggle yourself in through some kind of backdoor without paying for the ticket or the course, did you steal anything?
    This is an excellent analogy, manu chao. Everybody knows that it is wrong to sneak into a movie theatre, but for some reason people think it is OK to copy music illegally. It is just bizarre.

    It seems to me that the issue is pretty darned simple -- as a potential user of iTMS you know what the rules are. If you don't want to abide by the rules, don't use the service. Any talk of "it's actually helping Apple" or "it's my music to do with as I want" is just self-justifying bull. If you don't like the rules, don't play. It's really that simple.

    Jul 13, 07:17 AM
    Like I said, my laptop has a hotter CPU in it. I've yet to hear a good argument as to why a Conroe is too hot to put in an iMac when they had G5's in them not so long ago. If a Macbook can handle 35W then the much much bigger and thicker iMac can handle 65W.
    The below lists power consumed by the part, they are not TDP numbers (only part of the power consumed by a chip leaves the chip as heat, heat is what you have to dissipate and is what TDP attempts define).

    PPC 970fx power optimized part (@ 2GHz)
    40W average, 45-50 W max, 23 W throttle back (half frequency)

    PPC 970fx standard part (@ 2GHz)
    48W average, 55-60 W max, 29 W throttle back (half frequency)

    To me this puts the PPC 970fx below the TDP of a Conroe... I would say the TDP for the PPC 970fx (@2Ghz) is around 40 W (if not lower).Conroe might be possible for the iMac. But why redesign the motherboard when you can just DROP IN Merom where Yonah once was?

    Don't panic
    Mar 14, 04:14 PM
    Trouble with this argument is that if everything goes completely tits-up with any other kind of power station, the results are indeed containable, but in the case of a nuclear power station, the results can be catastrophically bad. It is taking a worst case scenario to a whole different level.

    oh, i am not arguing that, i am just saying that, given the circumstances, things so far has not been as bad as they could have.
    of course things could still go south, but hopefully they won't

    Mar 18, 08:32 AM
    I'm not a thief, I use my data responsible.

    Its appalling that your so righteous to post such.

    I have an unlimited plan, $30 a month, I use tether for a few things but do not go over 5gb a month, I have unlimited so it shouldn't matter, but I use much less then the one poster who claims 90gb a month to download movies.

    Yes I think thats abuse.

    I think anything over 10 to 20gb would be pure abuse.

    but occasional tethering and under that 10gb abuse? No way.

    I need to calm down because it bothers me that people are so brainwashed these days to accept what ever a company does.

    It's just crap. No matter what a Contract says it can be challenged in court and we could be right and At&t wrong.

    So you're saying that if you steal $10 vs $1 million - it's not stealing? No doubt different levels of crime - but both are illegal.

    But see my post above. The long/short of it is - unlimited data is specific to the device as per the TOS. If you're breaking the TOS, you're breaking the TOS - no matter how you or anyone tries to justify it - and ATT can "retaliate" as it's within their right as per that TOS.

    I do not support ATT doing anything to those who already have a metered (limited) data plan. THAT makes no sense.

    Mar 13, 10:29 AM
    a japanese meterology institute estimates the chances of 7.0+ earthquake within the next 3 days at 70% so we will see how well they hold up

    I'm still waiting for the other Icelandic volcano to burst, which is supposed to be much bigger than the one which caused global chaos. All those experts said it will happen "very soon" after the first one but we are still waiting.

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