ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb

ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. Ipod Touch 3rd Generation 16gb
  • Ipod Touch 3rd Generation 16gb

  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 12:51 PM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots. He was against the war from the beginning, and he campaigned on ending the Iraq war and escalating the Afghanistan war in an attempt to do what we went there for in the first place; and actually plan on an orderly end of the conflict. So, yes, you are correct. He was against the Iraq war from the beginning, and he said so. Bravo, 1-1 so far.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots. In what ways has he not been the polar opposite? Do you have examples or cites? He did try to close Guantanamo, and the GOP blocked him. He actually put in place a time table for withdrawal from Iraq. He actually focused our efforts on Afghanistan; the war that started in response to 9/11 (almost 10 years ago btw).

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots. Hasn't he? A dead fish would have had a better image than GWB in that part of the world.

    How many times did he the right wing media say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots. Fixed that for ya.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb
  • ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 11:01 AM
    To those saying they'll boycott, I'd just like to point out...

    ...Universal is by far the largest record label in the world, and those of you that say you don't listen to anyone of their artists might need to dig deeper into their subsidiaries, as just a few of the musicians in their stable are:

    The Carpenters
    Jimi Hendrix
    Carole King
    Andrea Bocell
    Four Tops
    Lionel Richie
    Cat Stevens
    The Jackson 5
    The Andrews Sisters

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod touch 4th generation,
  • ipod touch 4th generation,

  • Reddmanz
    Apr 27, 08:09 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too.

    I was looking forward to seeing mine seeing as I've been doing a lot of travelling last few months, then I remembered I'm still running 3.1.3.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. iPod Touch 2nd Generation
  • iPod Touch 2nd Generation

  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 10:56 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    A redesigned keyboard-should come in Mac Pro and white colors

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. iPod Touch 3rd Generation
  • iPod Touch 3rd Generation

  • Eidorian
    Jul 31, 12:31 PM
    What I'd like to know is the upgrade options in a new tower. We're running on EFI instead of Open Firmware now.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb
  • ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 27, 10:50 AM
    nice. :) I'm predicting no MBPs at WWDC, just mac pros, leopard preview, and maybe new displays. MBPs will be quietly updated with Merom a week or two later and start shipping soon after that.

    unless there's a new case design (which I doubt) - if there is, Steve would have something impressive to show up on stage.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod touch 32gb 3rd generation
  • ipod touch 32gb 3rd generation

  • mc68k
    Dec 9, 03:41 PM
    for being part of the GT series it's very true to GT. i didnt even know about the premium vs standard or the 'blurred' graphics until it was pointed out to me. for what it is i'm very happy still. maybe when i get bored i'll start noticing everything. maybe due to me being behind the gaming curve.

    the 'fun' part of the game is running out though. it'll be hard to win races from this point on. the license thing has always been an annoyance. i haven't even done one yet, just because i feel it's there for the sake of being there. i've done them in the past so nothing to prove. i'll do them for game completion and possible cars you can win.

    i have xmas break coming up, so hopefully it doesn't get too old by then. i wish they had the weigert vector w8-- that was my favorite car in GT2.

    the inside car view from the cobra 427 '66 was REALLY cool. i can't wait to max that car out on the tuning :)

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. 16GB, 32GB, 8GB / iPod Touch
  • 16GB, 32GB, 8GB / iPod Touch

  • blahblah100
    Apr 27, 09:46 AM
    There aren't any concerns, but since the media hyped this up so much, they had to address it. Now they have. Should be the end of the story. But it won't be since there are anti-Apple folks who will push to keep this story alive as long as they can until the next Apple-gate story gets created.

    And I'm sure when the next Apple-gate story gets created, the blind fanbois will jump to their defense. :rolleyes:

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb
  • ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb

  • ciTiger
    Apr 27, 08:58 AM
    It seems a good argument to me.
    But saying they are going to "issue" an update specifically for fixing related things seems fishy....

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod nano 3rd generation,
  • ipod nano 3rd generation,

  • Sodner
    Apr 8, 07:37 AM
    It keeps people coming back day after day.

    Yep. And maybe a little... "We don't have the iPad 2 in but let me show you this Xoom we do have in stock." Unknowing Mom or Pop fall for it.

    Ta-Da! Manager meets Xoom sell totals and iPad 2's as well.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. Ipod Touch 3rd Generation 16gb
  • Ipod Touch 3rd Generation 16gb

  • dougny
    Nov 29, 08:58 AM
    Do you work for Universal, or the RIAA?

    No actually, I represent recording artists, songwriters and producers. I am on the other side usually trying to fight the labels for every nickle an artist can try to get. However, because of that, I am on the same page with them in trying to get my artists and writers compensated from a digital marketplace that only pays for a small percentage of the material transferred. My artists only get paid for between 10 - 20% of the digital material out there (the rest pirated), so, anywhere we can get some income, even if through this flawed iPod royalty, I support.

    I am just sick of people who think that they have a right to free music. Why don't you all think you have a right to free computers, or free software. How dare Apple charge you for iLife?

    If all of you on here bought all of your music either from iTunes or from a record store, then, absolutely, complain away if that dollar is passed on to you. But, which is likely in just about every case, you have a few songs you burned off a friend's CD or downloaded from a file-sharing site, then shut up, you are the reason this is necessary.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod nano 3rd generation,
  • ipod nano 3rd generation,

  • amin
    Sep 14, 10:08 PM
    AnandTech is putting a lot of emphasis on this FB-DIMM issue. Their Conroe vs Xeon comparisons are poor given that they maximize the FB-DIMM latency "problem" by using a Mac Pro with only two RAM slots occupied. Seems as though they have an agenda to exaggerate the importance of this technical issue.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. 3rd generation iPod Touch
  • 3rd generation iPod Touch

  • raymondso
    Sep 19, 10:14 AM
    Could be that they are expecting a flood of returns after they introduce the new MB and MBP. And they are waiting so they can send out fresh referbs. Just a though.
    and i hope u are right! :D

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. IPOD TOUCH 2ND GENERATION

  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 25, 03:14 PM

    Holy ****.

    We had stuff like this when I was in the service, a but its use was strictly observed across and up the chain of command, and we're held accountable for each use. Civilian officers with little or no supervision getting their hands on this level of equipment scares the %^$& out of me.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. Apple iPod touch 3rd
  • Apple iPod touch 3rd

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 11:59 AM
    You know, Sony and Nintendo are just *SO* behind the curve with next gen gaming systems.

    Microsoft has had it's XBox 360 out for MONTHS, while Sony and Nintendo gamers are lagging behind, barely able to function on their PS2s and GameCubes.

    If Sony and Nintendo don't release the PS3 and Wii, respectively, in the next week, they'll be the laughing stocks of the industry. There's no excuse for them to release their next gen gaming systems a year after their competitor.

    I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get what I want, because I'm childish like that.

    There's a difference between simply dropping the same chip into a computer that everyone else is using, and creating groud-up proprietary hardware designed to run proprietary software. IMO, the video game business isn't a good analogy.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. iPod touch (3rd generation
  • iPod touch (3rd generation

  • braddouglass
    Apr 6, 12:34 PM
    I've always hated the MBA until this most recent update. FLASH drives are amazing. and if they can finally update the processor to i5 they will have my money! those complaining about graphics.. why are you buying 13in mac for gaming?? buy a MBP so you can see what you're doing. I want mine for general usage and music editing/writing. Sounds like a beautiful product to me. :)

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb
  • ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 27, 09:03 AM
    Encrypting the existing database and giving us the option to get rid of it. Sounds fine to me.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. Discount iPod Touch 32GB
  • Discount iPod Touch 32GB

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 17, 12:59 AM
    This is a very dumb question but is Photoshop running under rosetta in this test?

    If Photoshop is that is nuts.

    ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb. ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb
  • ipod touch 3rd generation 16gb

  • srxtr
    Mar 31, 03:57 PM
    Please, enlighten us, how does fragmentation bite Android's ass when it is the #1 smartphone OS. Regardless what you think, Android and iOS are by far the most successful OS in the last 5 years.

    Android is a good OS, and even better when the phone it comes in is offered for free.

    Free phones are usually hard to beat. I'm sure the iOS would win if the iPhone came free with contract.

    Jul 27, 03:56 PM
    How about a new Mac at WWDC?

    Lower Model:
    CConroe E6300 - 1.86 GHz � FSB1066 � 2 MB cache - ($185)
    1GB RAM
    160GB Serial ATA hard drive
    Double-layer SuperDrive (DVD+R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
    One open PCI-Express expansion slot
    One open Optical drive slot [maybe] (i.e. for 2nd DVD drive)
    Graphics Card with 128MB SDRAM
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0, USB/FW800
    Remote [(?] I think this box will still be small enough to fit into home entertainment setups.]
    Keyboard, Mighty Mouse...................................................... $999

    Some Options:
    Conroe E6600 - 2.40 GHz � FSB1066 � 4 MB cache � (+$100)
    Wireless Keyboard/Mouse +$60
    Add DVD/CD ROM drive (in 2nd slot) + $50
    250GB SATA hard drive +$75
    +1GB RAM (2GB total) +$100
    +3GB RAM (4GB total) +$300
    Slightly Better Graphics Card with 256MB SDRAM + $50
    Much Better Graphics Card +$200+


    You da man Dan :D I'd definetly hit one of your super sized macminis. Now if Apple was to fit those specs in a regular iMac, would make for a great little machine.

    Apr 25, 04:09 PM

    If Apple is not doing it, then they'll have to explain what is going on.

    How rude and arrogant for them to not come clean and just address the questions head-on.

    They owe us an explanation. We have a right to know what the device do and do not do.

    Apr 25, 04:23 PM
    he didn't lie, Apple isn't tracking people, because the information doesn't get sent to Apple so his response was correct and truthful.

    Unless one of his malicious Geniuses lifts it off your daughters device when it's in for repair.

    Maybe the Genius is pissed off at your daughter (for no good reason of course). And maybe there is something in the database that can be used to create a nice little story to circulate around school. The kind of story nobody likes to hear about their daughter. The story doesn't have to be true because you know a little circumstantial evidence here and there... It adds up... And you know how kids are...

    Well, maybe it won't happen to YOU, but with enough iDevices out there, the stars will line up for somebody.

    All Apple has to do is follow what they teach you in computer privacy school: Secure personal information by default. It's simple really.

    Apr 19, 02:35 PM
    Wrong. Just because a company released one phone that has a similar look as the iPhone doesn't mean their current offerings are a progression of that phone. It's a true testament as to who browses this forum if you honestly think that. The F700 didn't run an advanced OS, so it probably ran Symbian or used BREW. That means all Samsung did was create a theme. How does a theme they made 3 years prior to the Galaxy S mean it's a progression on the coding and UI they built? It doesn't. Here's a list of every Samsung phone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Samsung_mobile_phones Now, pick out one of those and say it inspired all of their new devices 3 years later.

    The F700 was an iPhone clone with a keyboard. It's depressing that people are saying that the iPhone copied its own clone.

    Just look at his post history and you'll understand that you are arguing in vain.

    Aug 25, 07:51 PM
    I'm not trying to be a wise a@@, but when did Apple make a Pismo. I do remember them, but not being made by Apple. I am sorry, I don't recall the manufactuer for them at this time.:confused:

    Apple always made the Pismo. I don't know the exact years but it was a black G3 PowerBook.

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