queen elizabeth 2011

queen elizabeth 2011. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth

  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 22, 08:10 PM
    So they finally are matching the iPad's pricing.. too bad they don't offer the same functionality...

    queen elizabeth 2011. ahead of Queen Elizabeth
  • ahead of Queen Elizabeth

  • Moyank24
    Mar 8, 03:28 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (http://www.tfp.org/images/books/Defending_A_Higher_Law.pdf).

    Why do you feel the need to hide behind other people's words? Why would you use a book that is 2000 years old to define your morality?

    You have made multiple offensive, inflammatory, and downright laughable claims. And the only way you can back them up is by using books, studies, etc..that are so completely biased they can hardly be taken seriously.

    I'm sure I would be able to find articles and studies that favor my point of view as well. But why would I need to do that? I don't need written justification to make myself feel better about my beliefs, or the way I choose to live my life.

    Venture out into the real world. Read the newspaper...watch TV. Gays and Lesbians are falling in love, getting married, raising children, serving in the military, serving in Congress, teaching in our schools, practicing medicine...Just like heterosexuals. No better and no worse. And the earth continues to revolve around the sun.

    But I guess in the end, it's easier to justify hate and ignorance if you have a book like the Bible and organizations like the THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE DEFENSE OF TRADITION, FAMILY AND PROPERTY (?) to stand behind.

    Of course if the THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE DEFENSE OF TRADITION, FAMILY AND PROPERTY says it, it must be true. There's no need to listen to those of us in this thread who actually know what we are talking about because we are living it...not because we read an article or a book about it.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II

  • Super Dave
    Aug 5, 06:35 PM
    Recall that Tiger features saw significant UI overhauls (Dashboard, Spotlight, Automator) from the original Tiger demos at WWDC until it's reshowing at Macworld. Apple has no reason to rush this out after WWDC.

    You can bank on 07. First Half. No sooner than April.

    You're right that there is "no reason to rush" except it would be awfully fun to beat Vista to market AGAIN.

    David :cool:

    queen elizabeth 2011. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth will
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth will

  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 8, 12:02 PM
    I have close to 20 premium cars (level 17) and i've not noticed much in the way of damage. I do generally drive very safely though.

    Damage IMO is much like it was in Project Gotham 1 and 2. One must hit a wall at 100mp+ to see anything significant.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Queen Elizabeth II (Pic:Rex)
  • Queen Elizabeth II (Pic:Rex)

  • videomaven
    Apr 6, 06:08 AM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?

    There are many ways of delivering content other than BluRay. But if one insists, there is a rudimentary BluRay output currently in FCP. Or burn with Toast. Or author in anything from Adobe Encore to high-end PC-based BluRay authoring systems.

    While I accept that you are not acting the troll, you do need to learn a bit more about the video/film world.

    queen elizabeth 2011. queen elizabeth the first
  • queen elizabeth the first

  • outlawarth
    Apr 11, 01:23 PM
    Analysts can just shove it. Complete BS all over the place. So.. according to them, we're going to have OSX Lion, iOS5, iPhone5, new iPods AND iPad 3... ALL IN THE FALL?! Complete bull. Oh, and throw in macbook pro updates for the later part of the fall, as usual. Just think about that for a second.

    Now, let me remember, when was the last time they were wrong.. oh wait, that's right, iPad 2. Last I remember, it was, you won't see it till May/June at the earliest. WRONG. And after analysts vs. bloggers report, it seems bloggers are more right than analysts.

    Anyways, after the 1st paragraph I wrote, I have no doubt in my mind that this is impossible. Last time Apple tried something like this, if I recall, it was Mobile Me, iPhone 3G + iOS2. It was a mess. Jobs himself said it was a mistake (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10006873-93.html) they'll never make again. So, when thinking about everything that is rumored by analysts to be coming out this fall, yeah, don't think so.:rolleyes:

    Edit 2: ipad 2 entered production 1 month b4 apple announcing, so no freak'n 3 months as I've heard around rumor sites.

    +1... Thank you.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince
  • Queen Elizabeth II and Prince

  • Awakener
    Apr 12, 09:27 PM
    it's a shame seeing all these negative attitudes concerning the iPhone 5. stating that only because of 3-5 month delay people switching to Android. Also others stating that the iPhone currently is antiquated and doesn't measure up to the competition.

    It isn't just about a 3-5 month delay. Since the standard contracts are 2 years, many people with the 3GS are eligible for early upgrade now. They are aware of how outdated their device is, and for some almost two years of use means a quirky or damaged phone. iPhone 4 is already behind the times. Remember too that new iPhone demand can make the wait even longer. Not knowing if iPhone 5 is going to be several months late will lead to a lot of jumping ship.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Queen Elizabeth II Attends The
  • Queen Elizabeth II Attends The

  • seenew
    Aug 26, 06:15 AM
    Well, as its been said that only the bad issues get brought up, I'll share my feelings.
    I've had nothing but good experience with Apple. When I first got my 5G iPod, I bought the old iTrip along with it from Apple.com at the same time. Well, of course, later I found out that model of iTrip was not compatible. I called Apple up and told them I bought an incompatible product that was listed alongside the 5G iPod on their site. Basically they told me I should be more careful next time to check for compatibility, but then they refunded me the full $40 and told me just to keep the iTrip. I sold it to a friend. :)

    Later down the road, I managed to get a HUGE dent in the back of this same iPod, and it died. I sent it in for repairs, and they sent me a new one (or refurb) really quick, and free of charge. It wasn't even covered under the warranty! (physical damage, that is)

    I'm running a 20" Intel iMac, and so far for 2 months I've had no problems, and I hear that once you're past the 3 month mark, you're probably good to go, so I'm waiting..

    queen elizabeth 2011. Queen Elizabeth#39;s Three Day
  • Queen Elizabeth#39;s Three Day

  • nagromme
    Jul 14, 03:11 PM
    Except Conroes don't support dual processor configuration. Woodcrest does, hence the reason it will be in the Pro line machines while Conroe is put into new iMacs.
    Right, but I didn't say dual processors, I said dual cores.

    I see no reason why ALL Pro machines need quad cores, when today's dual core G5s are FAR slower than that and still blaze through a lot of useful work! An all-quad pro lineup would be "cool" (and I seek a quad anyway, personally) but would simply add cost without justification, for many people.

    In addition, if the new chips are supply-constrained at all having both Conroe and Woodcrest in the pro towers could help. (And the iMac does fine with Yonah for a while if need be--which seems likely to happen to me.)

    queen elizabeth 2011. The Queen, accompanied by her
  • The Queen, accompanied by her

  • mobilehavoc
    Apr 6, 04:27 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does?

    Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;)

    Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

    Don't hate. I have money and I can spend it however. Maybe I'll buy an ipad and leave it in the bathroom for people to use as they're taking care of business.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Queen Elizabeth of Cunard Line
  • Queen Elizabeth of Cunard Line

  • babyj
    Sep 19, 07:57 AM
    It amazes me that people who are so opposed to discussion of upcoming Merom notebooks still click on the links to the forums with titles using the terms "Merom" and "MacBook Pro". If you're a regular on the forums, sure, I can see how constant discussion about the "next" platform might get old. So ignore them. Do something productive with your time.

    That isn't exactly what I said, I don't have a problem with people discussing new and upcoming products and features and when we might see them. Count me in.

    Its the people that are getting so worked up, annoyed at Apple, threatening to dump the platform and move to Windows, claiming Apple are three months behind Windows systems and generally bitching.

    Its all pointless as the same people will start up again with the next technology advances as soon as the Macbook range is updated with Merom.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince
  • Queen Elizabeth II and Prince

  • wmmk
    Aug 27, 12:16 AM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?
    that is so not funny at all any more:rolleyes:

    queen elizabeth 2011. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 20, 01:48 AM
    But it's ok for Apple to sue and Australian grocery store because they think the letter W looks like their logo? LMAO. Please.

    Why do you keep countering an argument that no one is actually making?

    Straw man fail.

    queen elizabeth 2011. queen elizabeth iii. royal
  • queen elizabeth iii. royal

  • Bilbo63
    Apr 19, 02:45 PM
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.

    Thanks for posting that Yamcha. Xerox's engineers were seriously brilliant.

    Edit... stripped out the images... no need to show them again. My bad.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 7, 09:36 AM
    You make it seem like intel told apple they can't use the sb chips unless they use the IGP, which is obviously false.

    It's not false per say, at least not 100%. Of course, graphics in such systems are usually IGPs, but before the Core iX line of processors, anyone could license and build chipsets for these processors and include a different IGP than Intel did. Intel however refused to license this for the new processors, including the SB line and thus nVidia who was making chipsets could not produce an IGP for the new platform.

    So yes, essentially Intel told Apple they had to use the 3000 HD as an IGP, where before, Apple was using nVidia's tech. There was even a massive lawsuit about all of this, between Intel and nVidia which ended with nVidia stepping out of the chipset business alltogether.

    So the poster you were replying to wasn't 100% wrong at all. It is in fact a testament to Intel's incompetence how all of this was handled, since an old MBA with a 320m outpaces new SB machines that have a much more powerful CPU in graphics performance.

    queen elizabeth 2011. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 27, 04:27 AM
    See Apple???
    Yet another potential customer for iMac Ultra. We Want C2DE + X1900 and a 23" screen!

    It has been demonstrated an iMac can take large amounts of heat. I should expect (With almost certainty) that iMac will get at least 2.4 Conroe, which should be quite a significant increase on its own, and possibly higher. 2.4 on the low end 17" model, 2.66 in 20" and the option of 2.93 or 3.2 in iMac Ultra! (Then Apple can gift me with one for coming up with such a great idea)
    X1800's for the 17 and 20 inches, and X1900 for the 23".
    Sounds good to me.
    Extra space due to 23" could be used for the cooling of the twin fires of CPU and GPU.

    Yup, heat is no problem. :) Cost on the other hand is. Going from a 2.4 GHz Conroe from a 1.83 GHz Yonah on the low-end is roughly a 30% increase in cost JUST for the CPU. As for your "iMac Ultra"...

    $1000 - 2.93 GHz Conroe
    $800 - 23" Display
    $300 - X1900
    $400 - Hard Drive, Optical Drive, RAM etc.
    + Build costs, marketing costs, logic board cost, casing costs etc.
    + Apple's profit margin

    And you are easily looking at a $3000 machine.

    I want to see:

    queen elizabeth 2011. queen elizabeth ii crown.
  • queen elizabeth ii crown.

  • littleman23408
    Nov 30, 09:54 PM
    Its tough, but i did it. Unless you are going to hit someone you really dont need to slow down for many turns. The buses dont go fast enough for it to be a problem. You can get to 11th at the first turn but cutting in very close to the cone (dont hit it!) and downshifting to slide a little. Sneak into 11th and start drafting the bus in front of you. Theres an easy left where you can pass on the inside and take one more place, then get as close to the tires on the right as possible and you'll be able to grab a few more spots before you hit the 2nd straight.

    The next turn is a hard left into an easy 180� right. Be careful on the left as its easy to hit a cone, then cut close to the inside of the right. When you get out of that turn you should be directly behind the blue and teal buses. You wont be able to pass them for a while so draft as best as you can until you get to the hard left at the complete other end of the track. Take that turn really wide and stay to the inside as you exit. You should be able to stay at speed and sneak right by if you are careful enough to not bump into them. If you are too close just back off a little, as long as you pass the blue buses at this turn you are doing great. Just be careful.

    The next is a hard left that takes you back to the starting line. If you got ahead of the blue and teal bus there will be a bit of congestion there. Stay close to the inside but be careful you dont hit the grass too much. You should be able to get 5th or 6th before the 2nd lap starts. Follow the same lines as before and watch your corners for a chance to pass on the inside. I got to 1st at the last long straight, but the dark green bus in front is a little violent, so screw the line and do whatever it takes to stay away from him. Take both last lefts carefully and you'll grab first.

    Its tough, but possible when you learn the track. I havent tried the Lotus challenge yet because i've been working on licenses, but i assume its roughly the same process just much faster.

    Cool thanks. I will give this a try. Anything to get this bus done. I hate the tasks where whatever it is you are driving is real slow!

    queen elizabeth 2011. Queen Elizabeth II, Prince
  • Queen Elizabeth II, Prince

  • vincenz
    Apr 6, 10:42 AM
    I'm curious to see what they have up their sleeves for this.

    queen elizabeth 2011. queen elizabeth 1 crowned.
  • queen elizabeth 1 crowned.

  • Reach9
    Apr 11, 05:57 PM
    Yea that is obvious. The iPhone is better.

    Makes sense coming from an Apple Fan :rolleyes:

    Jul 14, 06:11 PM
    The thing I like least about this rumor is that it specifies only a 320GB harddrive.

    The current configs (quad g5) were released in October of last year, in that time harddrive capacities have increased well beyond that (320) small number.

    The new machines will get 500GB drives I have to believe.


    Apr 5, 07:50 PM
    Interestingly this contradicts the information my friend on the design team hinted towards. I know the release is imminent so time will tell.

    Apr 6, 11:34 AM
    This is Bowl *****!!! Come on man....I see these claims with absolutely NO, ZERO proof to back it up...Links? Pics? Video???? IF anything, MORE people have joined the FCP camp...because more people than EVER are buying Macs! Even though Adobe and Avid are cross platform, the affordability of FCP is a real bonus. Everyone I know that uses FCP and has been using FCP has ZERO interest in flipping. Unless you have an extreme PC...Adobe makes no sense (unless you are using the Quadro nVidia cards in a Mac Pro). Sure, the Merc engine increases performance for a few transitions and filters....but rendering is still necessary in MOST cases! Today's speed of the new Macs....MBP, iMacs, Mac Pros...makes the transition from AVC, XDCam, DVCPro, etc to Pro-Res, is actually a very speedy process. Even Canon stepped up last spring with a plug in to increase transition speed almost a 1,000% (used to take a minute or two to transform...now done in 10 seconds or less!!!). Once in Pro Res, editing is an absolute breeze...a cake walk, easy as pie:) Especially if you have a recent generation Mac from the last couple of years.

    Seconding this. And also would like to add... What businesses out there can just switch operating systems on a whim because they latest and greatest came out for another platform? Sure if you are Joe Schmo freelancing out of your house you can do it, but any actual business with existing equipment doesn't just switch like that. I just can't picture anybody going "Damn Apple won't support the Mercury Engine, I'M SWITCHING BACK TO WINDOWS!!!"

    Aug 18, 05:38 AM
    A blue PS3 is a nice idea.

    pretty darn cool! won't go very well with the black look that i am after though ;)

    Jul 14, 04:51 PM
    ....while I am at it, hopefully there will me room for more than just 2 hard drives inside the case........

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